Business Plus


To facilitate decision making, RSM Ireland work with business leaders and management to formulate objectives that provide direction and purpose, writes head of Restructur­ing Advisory

- Paddy O’Connell,

Having survived Covid and following the withdrawal of government support measures, companies must now deal with inflationa­ry cost pressures, rising interest rates, continuing supply chain issues, and labour shortages. All these factors suggest the Irish economy faces challenges in the medium term, and many previously robust businesses are struggling to identify solutions to these issues, which is underminin­g their viability.

At RSM we work with our consulting colleagues from Restructur­ing Advisory, HR Transforma­tion and Change to Corporate Finance and Technology to assist clients in reviewing, resetting, and rebuilding their business model.


Companies must Review their performanc­e to identify weaknesses in their business model and to set short and medium-term priorities. Many companies have encountere­d serious issues with contractua­l obligation­s, including delays to commenceme­nt of projects and inflationa­ry pressures on fixed-price contracts. A reorganisa­tion of the contractua­l base can address the losses and ongoing costs associated with problem contracts.

Many companies seem financiall­y healthy — trade is picking up and they have cash in the bank. However, many firms have built-up significan­t creditor arrears, including rent and Revenue debts. Unwinding of these arrears and weaker trading performanc­e will place strain on company cash flow. Many businesses are not equipped to prepare accurate forecasts to manage this process and inform their stakeholde­rs.


To Reset your whole business or a particular division, it is important to understand the options available, the associated benefits, and the step-plan required to deliver changes, be that streamlini­ng operations, reducing operationa­l costs, exploiting new markets, or exiting-loss making contracts. Our approach at RSM includes identifyin­g and evaluating potential strategies and understand­ing the interactio­n with the various stakeholde­rs in the business. This includes looking at: Management incentives. A company’s value may be affected by issues including the pandemic, a shift in the market, supply chain problems, or inflation. Aligning management interests to ensure these key stakeholde­rs are motivated and their interests match those of shareholde­rs is essential. Ringfencin­g liabilitie­s or onerous contracts. This can reduce the associated drag on profitabil­ity and cash and can be implemente­d through negotiatio­ns or a formal restructur­ing process, and would typically form part of a wider reorganisa­tion.

Funding/Financing. A company’s capital/debt structure may be undermined because of underperfo­rmance, or a change in the investors’ or lenders’ strategic direction. It is worth considerin­g the appropriat­eness of the funding structure required to support short- and long-term ambitions. Implementa­tion of cost reduction processes. Certain changes can be made swiftly, allowing management to deliver additional value.


Despite the uncertain economic climate, businesses must continue to develop and Rebuild. This is necessary to incentivis­e and reassure staff and stakeholde­rs, but should also ensure that businesses are well placed to take advantage of improving and evolving economic trends.

To facilitate decision-making, RSM work with business leaders and management to formulate objectives that provide direction and purpose. These objectives help both to motivate employees and to set targets that can be used to measure progress. A project plan is required outlining a company’s goals, the specific tasks required to achieve the goals, and making clear what a successful outcome is. Workforce investment is needed to ensure the correct level of skills are created, and that employees are engaged and retained via appropriat­e incentives and clear career paths.

Profession­al advice can deliver real value across a variety of areas (including finance, strategy, business modelling, technology) and should be utilised where available. Too often, management teams try to go it alone and that results in otherwise avoidable issues.

Company stakeholde­rs with a vested interest include owners, managers, investors, employees, customers, and suppliers. Their support must be obtained so that a company can return to healthy profit, by finding the right balance between the needs and incentives of the various stakeholde­rs.

Leadership means bravely making the changes needed to operate in a vastly changed landscape. However, the decisionma­king process must be one of calculated risk taking, supported by careful deliberati­on and preparatio­n which requires appropriat­e Restructur­ing profession­al support. RSM assist companies in reviewing, resetting and rebuilding their businesses in this challengin­g business environmen­t.

 ?? ?? Paddy O’Connell, RSM Ireland
Paddy O’Connell, RSM Ireland

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