Belfast Telegraph

Arrest after man suffers severe arm injury during Newcastle ‘sword attack’

- By Mark Bain

A MAN suffered severe arm injuries after a “truly horrific” attack involving a sword in Co Down.

Another man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

Police said they were called to a house in Newcastle during the early hours of yesterday.

A detective inspector said: “Officers attended a report of a man having been assaulted by another man with what is believed to have been a sword at a house in the Ballaghbeg Park area of the town shortly before 3.45am.

“The victim sustained facial injuries and a severe arm injury... and it was also reported that he was hit on the head repeatedly with an object.

“He was subsequent­ly taken to hospital for medical treatment by colleagues from the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service.

“A man aged in his 30s has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, grievous bodily harm with intent, possession of an offensive weapon with intent to commit an indictable offence, and possessing article with blade or point in public place. He remains in police custody at this time assisting with enquiries.”

SDLP South Down MLA Colin Mcgrath urged anyone with informatio­n to contact the PSNI.

“The fact that someone had access to a sword and then used it for an assault is worrying and unacceptab­le. I hope the person injured recovers quickly,” he said.

“Newcastle is a peaceful and tourist-driven area and this behaviour is unacceptab­le and not reflective of the community.”

Alliance MLA Andrew Mcmurray said it was “a truly horrific incident”.

“The individual responsibl­e must be held accountabl­e for their actions. My thoughts are with the victim of the attack, who I wish a speedy and full recovery,” he added.

“It is concerning that someone had access to such a lethal weapon. This behaviour is completely unacceptab­le and there is absolutely no place for it within our community. Newcastle is a peaceful and welcoming town, and this incident does not reflect the values of those living there.”

Separately, a man was left with stab wounds after what police described as an aggravated assault in west Belfast.

A 48-year-old man and a 25-year-old woman were arrested after the incident, which happened during the early hours of yesterday in the Gardenmore Walk area.

The PSNI said: “Shortly before 3.10am, it was reported that a man and a woman armed with a knife and a baton entered a property in the area.

“A male occupant aged in his 20s is believed to have been stabbed and received puncture wounds that are not believed to be life-threatenin­g at this time.”

Police said a woman in her 20s was also inside the property and was pushed down the stairs during the incident, but her injuries are also not believed to be life-threatenin­g.

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