Vayu Aerospace and Defence

Thales at Eurosatory 2024, Paris


Thales unveils new tactical wideband HF radios

At Eurosatory 2024, Thales unveiled the first two radios in its new HF XL range of resilient high data rate wideband HF radios for command posts deployed by land forces in the theatre of operations.

They are ideally suited to high–intensity conflict scenarios. High frequency (HF) transmissi­ons, fully secure and with low operating costs, are still essential for armed forces, particular­ly in areas with poor satellite coverage (polar regions, for example, or in constraine­d environmen­ts) or where there is a high risk of jamming. However, HF is limited in terms of bandwidth, and can no longer meet the growing needs of armed forces for data exchange.

By developing high frequency broadband communicat­ion capabiliti­es (HF XL), Thales is offering a 10–fold increase in bandwidth and a significan­t improvemen­t in quality of service, while still benefiting from HF’s advantages of long range and operation in constraine­d environmen­ts.

Brazil acquires Thales GM200 MM/A radars

The Department of Airspace Control (DECEA), through the Airspace Control System Implementa­tion Commission (CISCEA), signed a contract for the acquisitio­n of Ground Master Multi–Mission “All–in–One” radars in order to enhance Brazil’s air surveillan­ce capability. To protect airspace, the Ground Master 200 Multi–Mission radar family covers the whole spectrum of threats, from low mini–drones to faster, more agile targets at longer ranges, while retaining a very high tactical mobility and a very short deployment time. More than 250 radars from the GM family have been sold worldwide.

The GM200 MM/A is designed for modern multi– mission air surveillan­ce and GBAD missions, figuring amongst the most flexible radars on the market today – offering radar operators instant superior situationa­l awareness. Featuring new–generation 4DAESA and unique ‘dual–axis multi–beam’ technology, the radar provides flexibilit­y in elevation and bearing. This software

defined radar is ready for future upgrades and capabiliti­es expansion to manage the ever evolving spectrum of threats and doctrines.

Thales supports Irish Defence Forces with more than 6000 SDRs

Thales has won a major contract to supply all three branches of the Irish Defence Forces with software defined radios systems and related support services. The agreement covers the initial provision of over 3,500 SquadNet tactical radios and around 2,500 radios from the SYNAPS product family. The Framework Agreement positions Thales as a key partner for the Irish Defence Forces.

The SquadNet radio system is compact, lightweigh­t, and easy to use and offers 24 hour autonomy, making it ideal for dismounted soldier. In addition to secure voice communicat­ions, location display and a data sharing option, SquadNet offers battery recharging and radio programmin­g capabiliti­es. This solution has been adopted notably by the Austrian armed forces.

Thales unveils OpenDRobot­ics

With OpenDRobot­ics, Thales is taking collaborat­ive combat to the next level through the developmen­t of a revolution­ary integrated system that ties together robotics technologi­es and different types of drones to provide an automated mission system capability. Recent conflicts have demonstrat­ed the operationa­l value of drones and robotic systems in terms of battlefiel­d transparen­cy and speed of action to enhance mission effectiven­ess while keeping human operators out of harm’s way.

EDGE and Thales in strategic partnershi­p

KATIM, an EDGE Group entity and leader in the developmen­t of ultra–secure communicat­ion solutions, and Thales, will start discussing the co–developmen­t of Software Defined Radio technologi­es in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A declaratio­n of intent was signed at the internatio­nal defence and security show, Eurosatory.

Thales in 1st DVR by EASA

Thales has received the first full DVR ever granted by EASA to operate light UAS in medium risk, SAIL III. This DVR process set in place in April 2021 by the Agency aims at ensuring safe drone operations. Such a premiere strengthen­s the group’s position on emerging civil drone market and represents further progress towards the certificat­ion of the Thales UAS100 in the most demanding conditions.

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 ?? ?? A view of the Thales stand and display area at Eurosatory 2024.
A view of the Thales stand and display area at Eurosatory 2024.
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