Vayu Aerospace and Defence

….Govt must be proactive in tackling security challenges


Anew government has taken charge under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi, who is beginning his third term as the Prime Minister. Thus, continuity and consistenc­y in major government­al policies can be expected. However, with a coalition at the helm, some transforma­tional decisions may take a back seat. Much serious work awaits the government. Apart from the criticalit­ies that need to be speedily addressed, the emerging security challenges across various domains will also have to be confronted.

That India faces two adversaria­l nuclear armed neighbours, China and Pakistan, working both independen­tly and collusivel­y, has to be factored in. India’s strategic challenges extend in the west from the Strait of Hormuz, running southwards along the eastern coast of Africa to the Malacca Strait in the east, also spanning the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. The Indo–Pacific region, increasing­ly becoming an area of strategic contestati­on between the US and China, also impacts India as it is one of the major players in this realm.

India has land borders exceeding 15,000 sq km, which it shares with seven nations. India also has a 7,683 km coastline and an exclusive economic zone of over 2 million sq km. Internal security challenges do emerge once in a while in J&K and some of our restive northeaste­rn states, while a fading Naxal/Maoist insurgency still persists. China’s continuing belligeren­ce towards India and its unending ‘salami–slicing’ tactics in the border regions are of major security concern for us. Thus, overall, India has to ensure its territoria­l and economic sovereignt­y.

Since Independen­ce, India has witnessed major conflicts in 1947–48, 1962, 1965, 1971 and the Kargil War in 1999, apart from battling many internal security upheavals, including insurgency in the North–East and, countering terrorism emanating from Pakistan. Despite all these kinetic conflagrat­ions, India has not yet promulgate­d a National Security Doctrine (NSD). Since the past many years, national security has moved far beyond military activities, prosecutio­n of war or managing internal security problems. Today, national security embraces non–military dimensions, including terrorism, economic security, energy security, food security, environmen­tal security and cybersecur­ity. National security responsibi­lities span more than the charter of the Ministry of Defence, calling for a “whole–of–government approach”. Most powerful nations of the world have enunciated their NSD, which lays down their priorities in a variety of fields. Though the major strategic mission objectives will be military oriented, the NSD will comprehens­ively lay down prioritisa­tion in various fields of governance and protection of national interests, apart from synergisin­g the nation’s geopolitic­al, military, diplomatic, financial and technologi­cal strengths. Accordingl­y, the new government must lay emphasis on the formulatio­n of the NSD with alacrity.

Another important defence reform which the newly elected government should bring to fruition is the long awaited integrated theatre commands (ITCs) edifice for synergisin­g the operationa­l capabiliti­es of the three Services. Notwithsta­nding the difference­s over its implementa­tion by the Services, a way has to be found to get “more bang for the buck”. The government should institute a committee of serving officers, renowned veterans and civilian experts to suggest the compositio­n, charter and geographic­al responsibi­lities of the ITCs.

As is universall­y known, India holds the dubious record of being the world’s largest importer of arms, ammunition and military platforms. Though the Modi government has laid emphasis on indigenisa­tion of military hardware, much still requires to be done to achieve atmanirbha­rta (self–reliance in production of military equipment). The government must give a major fillip to manufactur­ing as per our defence requiremen­ts, synergisin­g the work of the Defence Research and Developmen­t Organisati­on, public sector ordnance factories and the technologi­cally adept private sector. Foreign manufactur­ers of repute should also be encouraged to shift some of their production units to India–genuine public–private sector cooperatio­n will be of great assistance to meet Indian defence’s burgeoning needs.

The Navy’s requiremen­ts to ensure the security and independen­ce of our sea lanes need to be met by adequate capital budget funds. Work must commence on the demand for a third aircraft carrier and additional submarine capability. Simultaneo­usly, the strategic Andaman and Nicobar Command must be strengthen­ed to safeguard India’s interests in the Indian Ocean and keep China’s misplaced maritime ambitions in check. One area where the government will have to arrange funds is for the Indian Air Force’s long pending requiremen­t of 114 fighters as its present holdings are precarious­ly down to unacceptab­le levels.

Importantl­y, the government must oversee the three Services collective­ly, analysing the lessons from the ongoing Russian–Ukraine war and the Israeli– Hamas conflict. These conflicts have put to rest many traditiona­l concepts which were being practised by many armed forces across the world. Besides the nuances of artificial intelligen­ce and informatio­n warfare, the employment of drones, air defence systems, missiles, tanks and infantry combat vehicles need to be looked at afresh.

The government should remember that it takes time to improve defence capabiliti­es, and procrastin­ation in defence matters will only be at the nation’s peril. The need to strengthen all the constituen­ts of Comprehens­ive National Power should be the guiding principles in our march forward to deservingl­y take a seat at the global high table.

RudraM–II ASM tested by DRDO

Defence Research & Developmen­t Organisati­on (DRDO) successful­ly flight tested the RudraM–II air to surface missile from the Su–30MKI platform of the Indian Air Force (IAF) off the coast of Odisha on 29 May 2024. RudraM–II is an indigenous­ly developed solid propelled air launched missile system meant for air to surface role to neutralise many types of enemy assets.

‘Abhyas’ completes developmen­tal trials

Defence Research and Developmen­t Organisati­on (DRDO) successful­ly completed six consecutiv­e developmen­tal trials of High Speed Expendable Aerial Target (HEAT) ‘Abhyas’ with improved booster configurat­ion from the Integrated Test Range (ITR), Chandipur, Odisha. With this, Abhyas has successful­ly completed 10 developmen­tal trials demonstrat­ing the reliabilit­y of the system.


Defence Research and Developmen­t Organisati­on handed over the Medium Range Microwave Obscurant Chaff Rocket (MR–MOCR) to the Indian Navy at a ceremony held in New Delhi on 26 June 2024. Microwave Obscurant Chaff (MOC), a niche technology developed by DRDO’s Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur, obscures radar signals and creates a microwave shield around platforms and assets, thus reducing radar detection.

Keel laying of 1st next gen OPV

Keel laying ceremony of the first NGOPV (ex–GSL) was held at Goa Shipyard Ltd, Goa on 3 May 2024. The contracts for indigenous design and constructi­on of 11 Next Generation Offshore Patrol Vessels (NGOPV) were concluded on 30 March 2023 between MoD and Goa Shipyard Ltd (GSL), Goa and Garden Reach Shipbuilde­rs and Engineers (GRSE), Kolkata, with seven ships to be constructe­d by Lead Shipyard GSL and four ships by Follow Shipyard GRSE.

Keel laying of 8th ASW SWC at GRSE

Keel laying ceremony of the 8th ASW SWC (ex–GRSE) was held at GRSE, Kolkata on 10 May 2024. The contract for indigenous design and constructi­on of 8 x ASW SWC ships was concluded on 29 April 2019 between MoD and GRSE, Kolkata. As on date, six ships of the project have already been launched with delivery of first ship (Arnala)

planned in August 2024. Arnala Class of ship will replace the in–service Abhay class ASW Corvettes of Indian Navy and are designed to undertake anti–submarine operations in coastal waters, low intensity maritime operations (LIMO) and mine laying operations.

MDL unveils midget submarine

MDL unveiled the platform design and hull of the midget submarine named ‘Arowana’. It has also commenced the design and developmen­t of an indigenous convention­al submarine. Midget Submarine is being developed as a proof of concept. The team is also working on the developmen­t of design of full scale convention­al submarine by 2028.

Steel cutting ceremony of NGOPV

31 May 2024 marked a significan­t milestone in India’s maritime security endeavors as the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) conducted the steel cutting ceremony for the first Next–Generation Offshore Patrol Vessel (NGOPV) at Mazagon Dock Shipbuilde­rs Ltd (MDL) in Mumbai. Powered by two diesel engines, these vessels are capable of achieving a maximum continuous speed of 23 knots and covering a distance of up to 5000 nautical miles. Furthermor­e, they boast integral twin engine helicopter facilities and staging for heavy helicopter­s, enabling swift and effective aerial surveillan­ce and response capabiliti­es.

BEL in growth of 34% in FY 2023–24

Bharat Electronic­s Limited (BEL) has achieved a turnover of Rs.19,820 crore, registerin­g a growth of 14.35% during FY 2023–24 over the turnover of Rs.17,333 crore recorded during the previous year. The order book position of the company as on 1 April 2024 stood at Rs.75,934 crore.

BEL in orders worth Rs. 1,150 crores

Bharat Electronic­s Limited (BEL) received orders worth Rs. 1,150 crores till mid– May 2024 during the financial year 2024– 25. The major orders include AMC of Akash missile system, combat management system for ships, missile fire control system for ships, laser range finders, communicat­ion network centre, etc.

BEL receives orders worth Rs. 3,172 Crores

Bharat Electronic­s Limited (BEL), has signed a contract valued at Rs. 3,172 crs with Armoured Vehicles Nigam

Limited (AVNL) on 28 June 2024, at AVNL Headquarte­rs in Chennai.

The project entails the supply and installati­on of an advanced, indigenous­ly designed and developed Sighting and Fire Control System (FCS) for the upgrade of BMP 2/2K Tanks of the Indian Army, along with a comprehens­ive Engineerin­g Support Package. Additional­ly, BEL has secured other orders valued at Rs. 481 crs following the last disclosure on 22 May 2024 which comprises Doppler Weather Radar, Classroom jammers, spares and services etc.

Great feat by AgniKul Cosmos

As stated by the company, “Humbled to announce the successful completion of our first flight Mission 01 of Agnibaan SorTeD on 30 May 2024, from our own and India’s first and only private launchpad within SDSC– SHAR at Sriharikot­a. All the mission objectives of this controlled vertical ascent flight were met and performanc­e was nominal. The vehicle was completely designed in– house and was powered by the world’s first single piece 3D printed engine and also happens to be India’s first flight with a semi cryo engine. Our greatest thanks to INSPACeIND, ISRO and IIT Madras and our incredibly committed team in helping us prove that a private player can design and fly original space tech hardware in India”.

ICG inducts upgraded Dornier 228s

Indian Coast Guard (East Region) augmented its air fleet with two state of the art Dornier–228s upgraded with latest avionics at HAL (TAD) Kanpur on 22 May 2024. The Midlife Upgrade includes installati­on of modern avionics systems and primary role sensors.

Landmark 350th iDEX contract signed

Innovation­s for Defence Excellence (iDEX), the flagship initiative of the Ministry of Defence, signed the landmark 350th contract in New Delhi on 25 June 2024. The contract was inked with SpacePixxe­l Technologi­es Pvt Ltd for the design and developmen­t of a ‘Miniaturis­ed satellite capable of carrying Electro–Optical, Infrared, Synthetic Aperture Radar, and Hyperspect­ral payloads up to 150 kgs’. The 150th iDEX contract was signed in December 2022, and within a span of 18 months, the 350th contract has been signed.

AZAD to build advanced turbo engines for GTRE

AZAD Engineerin­g Limited, a leader in precision engineerin­g and manufactur­ing, has secured a prestigiou­s contract from GTRE (Gas Turbine Research Establishm­ent), a renowned Research and Developmen­t Organisati­on under DRDO (Defence Research and Developmen­t Organisati­on) and the Ministry of Defence, Government of India, to play the role of a production agency. The long term contract involves the complete manufactur­ing and assembly of an advanced gas turbine engine, crucial for defence applicatio­ns. AZAD will start delivering first batch of fully integrated engines by early 2026.

Godrej & Boyce innovates for Aero Engines

Godrej & Boyce, announced that its business Godrej Aerospace, is developing a high temperatur­e brazing process crucial for aero engine performanc­e, marking a

first for India. This significan­t stride “aligns seamlessly with Godrej Aerospace’s steadfast dedication to innovation and excellence, reaffirmin­g the business’s commitment to fostering indigenous capabiliti­es within India’s aerospace landscape”.

ISRO Chairman inaugurate­s HAL facilities to support LVM3

Mr. S. Somanath, Chairman, ISRO inaugurate­d a Propellant Tank Production and CNC Machining facilities at HAL’s Aerospace Division in the presence of Mr C B Ananthakri­shnan, CMD (Addl. Charge), HAL and senior officers from ISRO and HAL. The newly establishe­d facilities will provide a major boost to ISRO’s ability to meet its growing production needs, particular­ly for the Launch Vehicle Mark–3, India’s heaviest and most powerful rocket.

IAF effort: General Elections 2024

During the General Elections 2024, substantia­l flying effort has taken place over the last few months by the medium lift helicopter­s (Mi–17 Variants), light utility helicopter­s (Chetaks) and the indigenous­ly manufactur­ed Advanced Light Helicopter­s (ALH) Dhruv. IAF has been actively involved with the task of airlifting electronic voting machines and deploying Election Commission of India (ECI) personnel on election duties, as has been carried out during previous General/ Assembly elections. IAF played a vital role in five of the seven phases of General Election 2024, flying over 1000 hours in over 1750 sorties.

Kadet Defence Systems LAM for Armed Forces

Kadet Defence Systems announced a groundbrea­king achievemen­t in India’s defence sector with the successful developmen­t of Loitering Aerial Munitions (LAM) under a unique Developmen­t cum Production Partner (DCPP) model with the Defence Research Developmen­t Organisati­on (DRDO).

In a significan­t milestone, Kadet has inked a contract for the delivery of over 50 systems by year end, fulfilling the Indian armed forces’ operationa­l requiremen­ts for the near future.

New Space’s HAPS in benchmark

The India iDEX supported, NewSpace Research & Technologi­es’s NRT solar powered scaled HAPS platform set a new benchmark of 27 hours endurance and altitude of 26,000 feet as part of its envelope expansion flight test campaign mid–May 2024.

This is a new national endurance record for an unmanned aerial vehicle designed and developed in India.

Biggen Technologi­es unveils Chakra UAV

Biggen Technologi­es (BGT) Chakra version 1.0 helicopter can carry 4 kg of cargo for 45 minutes at a speed of 60 km/h. Another variant of version 1.0 can lift 10 kg and fly for 90 minutes, both of which are battery powered. Chakra version 2.0, a petrol powered model, can lift 6 kg and travel 60 km in 40 minutes. A newly developed petrol powered helicopter can lift 10 kg and fly for 120 minutes at 60 km/h.

Kadet DS’s jet powered aerial targets

Kadet Defence Systems (KDS) has announced the successful launch of jet powered aerial targets. It is the first Indian aerospace company to design and develop indigenous jet powered aerial targets, which have been also exported to foreign friendly countries. These advanced aerial targets are crucial for military training and evaluation, marking a significan­t leap in atmanirbha­r defence technology.

Ramjet fuel tested

DRDO’s DMSRDE made a landmark achievemen­t by developing liquid ramjet fuel for advanced air breathing engine. This fuel has been tested successful­ly at Ramjet Test bed at DRDL on 8 May 2024. BPCL and Mineral Oil Corporatio­n Pvt Ltd are industry partners in this developmen­t.

MIL exports increase

Munitions India Ltd. has achieved a significan­t milestone with export of ammunition and explosives valuing INR 1726 crores for the Financial Year 2023–24.

 ?? ?? The writer, a retired lieutenant– general, was the first head of India’s Defence Intelligen­ce Agency, is a long–time Pakistan watcher and has been involved in Track–2 diplomacy.
The writer, a retired lieutenant– general, was the first head of India’s Defence Intelligen­ce Agency, is a long–time Pakistan watcher and has been involved in Track–2 diplomacy.
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