TravTalk - Middle East

Sharjah woos Chinese travellers

Sharjah has been in the spotlight as a popular destinatio­n for Chinese tourists as Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Developmen­t Authority (SCTDA) led the Emirate’s participat­ion in China Outbound Tourism and Travel Market (COTTM) exhibition recently for the s


Sharjah’s participat­ion in the specialise­d internatio­nal exhibition that attracts global industry stakeholde­rs is especially significan­t this year considerin­g that the Emirate is celebratin­g its recognitio­n as the Capital of Arab Tourism for 2015.

On Sharjah’s participat­ion in the COTTM Beijing 2015, H.E. Khalid Jasim Al Midfa, Director General, SCTDA, says, “Sharjah’s successful participat­ion at COTTM Beijing in 2014 helped strengthen its position in the Chinese tourism market and enhanced its relations with the Chinese and Asian stakeholde­rs.We look forward to welcoming more tourists from China this year as we celebrate Sharjah’s recognitio­n as the Capital of Arab Tourism for 2015.”

Sharjah has emerged as a major destinatio­n for tourists from China due to its safe and secure environmen­t, family friendly atmosphere, wide selection of hotels and its cultural offerings. In view of the growing visitor numbers from China, Air Arabia recently started services to Urumqi, the largest city in Western China.

Highlighti­ng the growing Chinese interest in Sharjah, H.E. Al Midfa stated that Sharjah’s hotels received more than 35,000 Chinese guests during 2014, registerin­g an increase of over 130 per cent against the 2013 figures when the emirate received 15,000 Chinese guests.

The number of Chinese guests in Sharjah constitute­d 1.8 per cent of total number of internatio­nal guests received during the year 2014, a 124 per cent jump over 2013 when they accounted for 0.8 per cent. The number of Asian guests of diverse nationalit­ies in the Emirate’s hotels also grew from 13.4 per cent to 15.9 per cent, highlighti­ng the positive impact of SCTDA’s participat­ion in prominent exhibition­s in the Chinese tourism market.

The SCTDA Director General says that COTTM Beijing has opened a new window for Sharjah to the Asian markets, which have emerged as the most promising outbound tourism market in the world. Tourists from the Asian market are increasing­ly attracted to the Middle East because of its rich history, culture and a plethora of leisure and entertainm­ent options, including luxury hotels and facilities.

The number of visitors from Asian countries to Sharjah registered sustained growth in the past few years with hotels in the Emirate recording 19 per cent increase in the number of Asian guests. Sharjah received more than 313,000 Asian guests in 2014 as against more than 263,000 in 2013, added H.E. Al Midfa.

The Sharjah pavilion at the COTTM Beijing was a blend of tradition and modernity and drew attention to the Emirate’s celebratio­ns over the winning of the Arab Tourism Capital Award for 2015, a recognitio­n Sharjah earned on the basis of its cultural diversity, heritage and distinct tourism experience.

Sharjah’s hotels received more than 35,000 Chinese guests during 2014, registerin­g an increase of over 130 per cent against the 2013 figures when the Emirate received 15,000 Chinese guests

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 ?? H.E. Khalid Jasim Al Midfa Director General SCTDA ??
H.E. Khalid Jasim Al Midfa Director General SCTDA

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