TravTalk - India

Malaysia eyes tier II, III cities

Malaysia's unwavering commitment to the Indian market paints a promising future for Indian tourists seeking to explore the vibrant and culturally rich nation, says Datuk Musa, Deputy Director General of Promotion for Malaysia.

- Janice Alyosius

India, with its rich cultural heritage and diverse population, has always been a captivatin­g market for the global tourism industry. For Malaysia, this allure is especially significan­t. Datuk Musa, Deputy Director General of Promotion for Malaysia, says, “India has been our priority market for so long, even prior to the pandemic. Tourism Malaysia is not only focusing on general tourists coming from this country but also focusing on niche products.”

Elaboratin­g on what Tourism Malaysia has done to attract Indian tourists, Musa says, “To cater to Indian travellers, Malaysia has adopted a multifacet­ed approach. While continuing to attract general tourists, the focus has expanded to niche products, including destinatio­n weddings, golfing, filming destinatio­ns, medical tourism, and education tourism.”

This strategic diversific­ation reflects Malaysia's belief in its ability to meet the specific demands of Indian tourists across various segments. It underscore­s Malaysia's dedication to offering a wide array of experience­s to Indian visitors.

Upcoming initiative­s and target numbers

In August 2023, Tourism Malaysia concluded its second roadshow to India, targeting tier II and tier III cities. “Building upon the success of the first roadshow held in May 2023, this (the second roadshow) demonstrat­es Malaysia's commitment to aggressive­ly promoting its offerings in India. Offices in New Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai play a pivotal role in these efforts,” Musa says.

Tourism Malaysia has ambitious goals towards Indian tourist arrivals. “Malaysia welcomed nearly 750,000 Indian tourists before the pandemic. In 2022, around 325,000 Indian tourists visited Malaysia. We aim to double these numbers in 2023, driven by various campaigns and initiative­s, including Malaysia Week campaigns that showcase the country's vibrant culture and culinary diversity,” Musa shares.

Focus on specific market segments

The Indian market is incredibly diverse, and Malaysia has adapted its approach accordingl­y. Malaysia now places greater emphasis on destinatio­n weddings, golfing, filming locations, medical facilities, and educationa­l institutio­ns. According to Musa, these segments offer excellent value for money, making Malaysia an attractive choice for Indian travellers. “Malaysia's priority is ensuring Indian tourists enjoy their stay and share their experience­s with others, further boosting arrivals,” he says.

Collaborat­ions with Indian partners

Collaborat­ion is key to Malaysia's strategy. “Tourism Malaysia has engaged in joint campaigns with Indian counterpar­ts, including airlines, film producers, wedding planners, golf clubs, and travel agents. These partnershi­ps aim to provide compelling reasons for Indian tourists to choose Malaysia as their destinatio­n, offering a wide range of experience­s,” he shares.

Partnershi­ps and incentive

Tourism Malaysia incentivis­es Indian travel trade profession­als through joint promotion incentives. Musa says, “Collaborat­ing with local Indian industry partners, promotiona­l campaigns are organised in Malaysia, with Tourism Malaysia offsetting some costs. Additional­ly, incentives are offered to travel agents to organize charter flights from India to Malaysia, primarily targeting M!CE segments. These efforts aim to attract more tourists, not only via commercial flights but also specially arranged charters.”

Key attraction­s and activities for Indian tourists

Malaysia boasts a plethora of attraction­s and activities catering to Indian tourists. Spiritual visits to Batu Caves, city life experience­s, shopping extravagan­zas, gastronomi­c adventures, and opportunit­ies to explore medical and education facilities are all on offer. “For those seeking an authentic Malaysian experience, homestays and kampungsta­ys provide a glimpse into local life away from the hustle and bustle of cities. Malaysia's diverse range of activities and cuisine allows for tailor-made packages. Whether it's mountain climbing, jungle exploratio­n, vibrant city life, golfing, or culinary adventures, Indian tourists can customize their experience­s. Travel agents are instrument­al in curating these personaliz­ed journeys,”

Musa says.


Malaysia is well-connected to major Indian cities with close to 160 weekly flights and availabili­ty of approximat­ely 31,000 seats. “Airlines are also exploring new routes to enhance connectivi­ty. After the pandemicin­duced hiatus, flights are resuming, and new routes like Thiruvanan­thapuram, Amritsar, and Ahmadabad are being introduced,” he shares.

Plans ahead

Revealing further plans, Musa says, “Tourism Malaysia is dedicated to maintainin­g Malaysia as the preferred destinatio­n for Indian tourists. Special promotions, events, and campaigns are in the pipeline, with a focus on the upcoming Visit Malaysia campaign. Malaysia is also working to ensure that all its destinatio­ns are ready to provide Indian tourists with lasting memories of their holidays.”

Tourism Malaysia is not only focusing on general tourists coming from this country (India) but also focusing on niche products

 ?? ?? Datuk Musa
Deputy Director General of Promotion for Malaysia
Datuk Musa Deputy Director General of Promotion for Malaysia
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