TravTalk - India

‘Travel for LiFE’ program kicks off

- Nisha Verma

The Union Ministry of Tourism launches ‘Travel for LiFE’ program, a part of the Prime Minister’s desired ‘Mission LiFE’, at a function organised in New Delhi on World Tourism Day 2023. The function was attended by senior officials from the Union Ministery of Tourism, as well as senior industry members from India and abroad.

The Union Ministry of Tourism (MOT) celebrated the World Tourism Day 2023 with the Global Launch of ‘Travel for LiFE’, at the recently opened Bharat Mandapam, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. Travel for LiFE is a sectoral program under Mission LiFE, targeted towards the tourism sector, which the MOT has unveiled in partnershi­p with the Ministry of Environmen­t, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), United Nations World Tourism Organisati­on (UNWTO), and the United Nations Environmen­t Programme (UNEP).

A booklet on Travel for LiFE was also launched with its digital inaugurati­on by Ajay Bhatt, Minister of State of Tourism and Defence, Government of India. He said, “The recent G20 Leaders’ Summit has demonstrat­ed India's commitment to forging global unity and collaborat­ion, and the deliberati­ons echoed the collective aspiration­s of nations for a sustainabl­e future. Every traveller, every business, and every citizen to adopt this program and pledge to travel responsibl­y, to respect our environmen­t, and to understand and appreciate the diverse cultures that make our world so beautifull­y complex. The Travel

for LiFE program, which is a part of Mission LiFE, sets out the path to a sustainabl­e planet Earth.” Commenting on the venue of the event, he said, “Bharat Mandapam

and recently inaugurate­d IICC in Dwarka are two world class facilities for M!CE. They are ready to host conference­s from all parts of the world.”

V Vidyavathi, Secretary, Tourism, Government of India, also spoke at the event and said, “This shows our commitment towards a sustainabl­e resilient and inclusive tourism sector. This program will encourage tourists to take simple actions that result in conservati­on of the environmen­t, biodiversi­ty, improvemen­t in the local economy and preservati­on of the socio-cultural integrity of the local communitie­s. It aims to create mindful and deliberate utilizatio­n of resources by the stakeholde­rs in the tourism value chain.” Also present on the occasion were Leena Nandan, Secretary Ministry of Environmen­t, Forest and Climate Change and Rakesh Kumar Verma, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Tourism.

 ?? ?? Ajay Bhatt, Minister of State of Tourism and Defence, GoI, flanked by Leena Nandan, Secretary, Ministry of Environmen­t, Forest and Climate Change, GoI and V Vidyavathi, Secretary, Tourism, GoI, releases the booklet on 'Travel for LiFE'
Ajay Bhatt, Minister of State of Tourism and Defence, GoI, flanked by Leena Nandan, Secretary, Ministry of Environmen­t, Forest and Climate Change, GoI and V Vidyavathi, Secretary, Tourism, GoI, releases the booklet on 'Travel for LiFE'

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