TravTalk - India

Wants youth in key positions

The new TAFI team with Ajay Prakash at the helm wants to pick up from where it had left. On the agenda is creating a level playing field for airlines, starting new chapters that are not well represente­d, ironing out visa issues with consulates, and launch

- Hazel Jain

Ajay Prakash has been reelected as the TAFI President for the new term of two years in an online election held in Mumbai on 2 September 2023. While

Anil Kalsi takes over from Kamal Jadhwani as Vice President, Abbas Moiz and Hitank Shah maintain their old position as Secretary and Treasurer, respective­ly. Committee members include:

Seeraj Sabharwal, Sampat Damani, Rai Achal Krishna, Jitul Mehta and Anandavelo­o M. The new team have also co-opted four members for an extended team, as per the TAFI bylaws at the first Managing Committee meeting held on the same day. They are:

S. Somaskanda­n, Sunil Uttam, Anil Punjabi and Paulose Mathew. Pradip Lulla will continue as the Immediate Past President.

Prakash commented, “We took the initiative to conduct e-voting many years ago because this gives a larger membership base to exercise their right to vote. It is important to have a full representa­tion of members and who they choose to lead their associatio­n.”

The e-voting opened on the election day and results were announced on the same day. “Many of the people in the team have been on the national team already for the past two years. Some of our members have gracefully stepped aside to make room for new members to come in on the national managing committee. Every associatio­n needs new faces, needs new ideas, needs younger people for it to grow and sustain itself. It is extremely important that younger members come in and take the initiative. So, we have always encouraged and nurtured new leadership at TAFI,” Prakash said.

Relationsh­ip with Ministries key

Prakash feels TAFI currently has an excellent new team which has representa­tion from across the country, which is very important. “One must have regional representa­tion because there are issues which only the members in that region are fully conversive with. And these issues sometimes need to be escalated in order to be addressed. TAFI has also re-initiated dialogue with the Ministry of Tourism. Unfortunat­ely, TAFI was not at the forefront where the Ministry was concerned. But with the G20 meetings held in

India that we were part of, we made a lot of headway with them. Going forward, TAFI will be communicat­ing and be involved with the programmes of the MoT,” he said.

TAFI has also successful­ly lobbied with the Ministry of Finance to delay the implementa­tion of TCS. Prakash says, “However, it is only a delay right now. We have again approached the government to reconsider the parameters they are proposing to make it more conducive for business to grow. We also have had a series of meetings with VFS Global regarding the visa challenges that our members have been facing. We are also hoping to have a meeting with some of the Consuls to resolve these issues. Also, by virtue of the membership TAFI has with the WTAAA, it also has a seat on the Passenger Agency Programme Global Joint Council where agents and airlines have the opportunit­y to sit face to face and discuss issues.”

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