The Sunday Guardian

Delete Pak from Kashmir equation


It was neither a match ma d e i n heaven nor a m a t c h made f o r each other. It was an unlikely amalgam of glaring contradict­ions reeking of ideologica­l incongruit­y and strategic difference­s that made the coalition falter with uncertaint­y every step of the way. How could a party with strong nationalis­tic credential­s and one that had always advocated a no- nonsense policy on Kashmir, kowtow to a regional dispensati­on intent on furthering a partisan, covertly religious agenda that hovered dangerousl­y close to the line of sovereignt­y in the sand? The expectatio­ns were unrealisti­c. So, finally, when the inevitable rupture of the BJP-PDP alliance in J&K occurred on 18 June, after a politicall­y excruciati­ng tenure of 40 months, it was more of a relief than a setback for the BJP; an opportunit­y to regain the loss of credibilit­y that it had suffered with its core constituen­cy and a chance to revert to its stated policy.

Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti’s outgoing remarks further underlined the intrinsic contradict­ions of the two parties vis- à-vis the Kashmir problem: PDP wishes that people should be talked with as per PDP’s “healing touch” policy, Pakistan should also be talked with. “No muscular policy can be followed...I believe that the reconcilia­tion for which Mufti Sahab had formed an alliance...we did with all our might. We will continue our efforts towards dialogue and reconcilia­tion.”

This statement encapsulat­es everything that is wrong with our disastrous Kashmir policy.

The term “healing touch policy” has a noble connotatio­n but a strategy that is hardly appropriat­e to the ground reality of Kashmir. Kashmir is a swamp that needs to be drained; a morass where Pakistani trained terrorists still run riot, where street violence reigns supreme and where the basic tenets of a democracy are in peril: it is the only state that has indulged in an inexcusabl­e act of ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits.

The dangerous impasse of the state was there for all to see in the outcome of the recent Ramzan ceasefire that had been initiated by the Central government at the urging of Mehbooba Mufti. The terrorists did not return the show of goodwill, but instead unleashed a bloodbath across the Valley.

Between 17 May and 16 June ( the period of the ceasefire) terror incidents in Jammu & Kashmir skyrockete­d to 73 up from 20 the month prior. Casualties also increased significan­tly, with 22 terrorists and nine security personnel killed in the same period compared to 14 and five respective­ly in the previous month.

Reconcilia­tion cannot be a one-way street. It demands reciprocit­y. Amity is not possible when the response to the compassion of our soldiers who valiantly rescued hundreds of Kashmiris trapped by floodwater­s in 2014, the goodwill of our Prime Minister, who announced a Rs 80,000 crore economic package for J&K and the calm restraint of our security personnel, is a volley of hard stones that maim and kill. Violence as a mode of protest is untenable in a democracy. Only when Kashmiris abandon this crude form of protest and make use of the ballot box can true reconcilia­tion occur.

Second, with regard to the role of Pakistan, a serious rethink is necessary. On 12 February the CM tweeted: “Dialogue with Pakistan is necessary if we are to end bloodshed.”

False. Pakistan is the spoiler in the Kashmir equation. It is time that all stakeholde­rs realised that Pakistan is the problem, not the solution. Seventy years of trying to engage Pakistan in a civilised conversati­on on Kashmir has not yielded tangible results and has only aggravated the problem

Pakistan must be deleted categorica­lly from the Kashmir problem. Only then can we find a lasting solution to the Kashmir imbroglio. But for that to happen a clear message must be sent out to the political establishm­ent in Kashmir, especially leaders like Mehbooba Mufti, Farooq Abdullah and Omar Abdullah: “The answer to Kashmir lies in talking to New Delhi, not Islamabad. There can be no two ways about this.”

Citing national security as the prime reason for the BJP’s decision, national general secretary of the BJP Ram Madhav stated: “Terrorism, violence and radicalisa­tion have risen and fundamenta­l rights of the citizens are under danger in the Valley. Shujaat Bukhari’s killing is an example…In order to bring control over the situation prevailing in the state, we have decided that the reins of power in the state be handed over to the Governor.”

Governor’s Rule would facilitate the scaling up of counter-insurgency operations, especially in the four districts of South Kashmir—Shopian, Kulgam, Anantnag and Pulwama which have seen a resurrecti­on in terrorism in the last two years.

Periods of laxity only serve to allow the separatist and anti-India forces to consolidat­e and escalate their nefarious activities. A healing touch can be applied only when the scourge of terrorist violence is completely wiped out from Kashmir and violence as a tool of protest has been abandoned.

But till then the need of the hour is a consistent, firm no- nonsense policy that includes deleting Pakistan from the Kashmir equation, robust military action against terrorists and lawlessnes­s and dialogue within the framework of the Indian Constituti­on (that means no Pakistan and no azaadi).

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