The Sunday Guardian

MEA must move beyond Nehruvian past

OUR FOREIGN OFfiCE MUST PERCEIVE THE MACHINATIO­NS OF pinkish UN tsars and discern the pattern in UN actions.


John O’Sullivan, a British conservati­ve commentato­r, has a law named after him. O’Sullivan’s First Law says: “All organisati­ons that are not actually Rightwing will over time become Leftwing.” The United Nations has obeyed the law. The United Nations High Commission­er for Human Rights’ report on Kashmir shows the intensity of transmogri­fication the world body has undergone.

Its lies and deception—the report refers to terror outfits as “armed groups”—have been widely commented upon in the media. India has rightly trashed it as “fallacious, tendentiou­s and motivated”. But what foreign policy mandarins and experts have missed is the most critical point: the report is part of the Left-liberal enterprise, supported by Islamist and jihad-compliant forces, to malign democratic nations and peddle moral equivalenc­e. Worse, India itself has often played into the hands of such forces.

Consider this: On 13 June, India voted in favour of a UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolution, proposed by Turkey and Algeria, condemning the use of allegedly “excessive” force by Israeli forces against Palestinia­n civilians in what the UN calls “Occupied Palestinia­n Territory”. At the same time, it abstained on a USbacked amendment aimed at denouncing violence by Hamas. The latter resolution fell through.

Our foreign office must do more to perceive the machinatio­ns of pinkish UN tsars; it must discern the pattern in UN actions; it needs to comprehend the thread running through most UN statements and resolution­s. The truth is that the UN relentless­ly badgers democracie­s (especially Israel and the US), turns a blind eye to the worst human rights offenders like Saudi Arabia and China, and peddles moral equivalenc­e.

Anti-Americanis­m is rampant globally; liberal media and Left-leaning academia intensify it every day. But if India aspires to become a power to reckon with, as it does, it has to do better than follow the herd. It should know how to protect its national interest; and before that, it should know what its national interest is.

India can’t expect the US to goad Pakistan to rein in its jihadist puppets while supporting anti-Israel resolution­s and remaining neutral on Washington-sponsored ones. And it’s not just realpoliti­k; it is also problemati­c to maintain neutrality over the crimes of Hamas, which is an Islamist body. And it would be presumptuo­us on the part of India to expect meaningful and heartfelt cooperatio­n from Israel in a war against global jihad while persisting with the Nehru era phraseolog­y.

On the anti-Israel resolution, US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley said before the vote: “This resolution holds Hamas completely unaccounta­ble for most of the recent unrest. It blames everything on Israel. But the facts tell a different story. It is Hamas and its allies that have fired over a hundred rockets into Israel in the past month, hoping to cause death to as many civilians and as much destructio­n as possible. It is Hamas that has used Palestinia­n civilians as human shields at the boundary fence, seeking to incite violence and overrun the border. It is Hamas that refuses to cooperate with the Palestinia­n Authority to unite in the pursuit of peace. It is Hamas that calls for the destructio­n of the state of Israel within any borders. And yet the resolution before us not only fails to blame Hamas for these actions, it fails to even mention Hamas.”

Israel’s UN Ambassador Danny Danon was equally scathing on the resolution: “By supporting this resolution, you are colluding with a terrorist organisati­on and empowering Hamas.” But this is exactly what India, and scores of other countries, did.

The UN Human Rights Commission’s report on Kashmir should be scrutinise­d against such a backdrop; like the UNGA resolution and several other activities, it is also a joint venture between the Left-liberal grandees and Islamists. Their objectives are common: smear democracie­s (and downplay gross human rights violations in places like Muslim countries), instil guilt among politician­s and people in democracie­s (and thus undermine their resolve to combat terror), and disseminat­e moral equivalenc­e (so that security personnel and terrorists become “two sides” in conflict.)

The resolution­s at the UNGA are designed with expert care to make military and paramilita­ry commanders of Israel think twice before acting against jihadists. The US administra­tion of Donald Trump is under pressure from the media and other opinion makers (who are the ideologica­l brethren of UN bosses) to adopt appeasemen­t policies. Similarly, the United Nations High Commission­er for Human Rights’ report on Kashmir becomes an inhibiting factor for the officers of Army and paramilita­ry forces.

It is unfortunat­e if our foreign policymake­rs miss the thread of the narrative that Left-liberals and Islamists together are spreading all over the world. The MEA must realise the true nature of the UN and of national interest. It must avoid the knee-jerk, pro-forma reactions of the Nehruvian past.

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