The Sunday Guardian

Jinnah recognised Balochista­n’s independen­ce

Jinnah as the founder of Pakistan, signed the standstill agreement with Balochista­n’s sovereign Mir Ahmad Yar Khan.


On 14 July 1947, when the 38th Parliament of the United Kingdom was debating the Indian Independen­ce Bill, only one man among 640 MPs could foresee the future. Sir Godfrey Nicholson, a conservati­ve MP from Farnham, warned the House that “if Baluchista­n does not wish to join Pakistan, nothing in the world can save it from being forced to join Pakistan if the Bill passes in its present form; and that is a serious matter”. He was raising his concern on the Bill’s Clause 2, which read, British Balochista­n would be incorporat­ed into the newly establishe­d dominion, Pakistan.

In the Treaty of 1854 and again in 1876 it was agreed between Balochista­n and Britain that Baloch areas would be used by the British Raj for strategic purposes and in return Britain would defend Balochista­n from external threats. The Indian Independen­ce Act was passed on 18 July. After17 days, on 4 August 1947, Jinnah as the founder of Pakistan, signed the standstill agreement with Balochista­n’s sovereign Mir Ahmad Yar Khan. The clauses where Jinnah recognised Balochista­n’s independen­ce and agreed to seek legal opinion on the issue of leased areas (British Balochista­n) were broadcast on 11 August 1947.

However, legal opinion was never sought and British Balochista­n was incorporat­ed into Pakistan against all internatio­nal laws and treaties. The remaining territorie­s of Balochista­n under Kalat’s (the capital and the seat of the government) control were invaded by Pakistan in April 1948 and territorie­s were merged into Pakistan until Kalat was surrounded by the Pakistan army. Balochista­n’s sovereign, Mir Ahmed Yar Khan was forced to sign the accession treaty on 27 March 1948. The British did not keep their promise as agreed in the treaty, instead the invading Pakistan army was led by a British general, Sir Frank Messervy. Balochista­n was betrayed and was forced to join Pakistan, hence Nicholson’s prophecy turned out to be true.

According to Dr Karimzadi, in the early days of partition, millions of people were killed while travelling to India or Pakistan. Even Chaudhry Rahmat Ali, who coined the word Pakistan, was not spared. He came to Pakistan from Britain in April 1948, his possession­s were confiscate­d, he was harassed and the state which he helped create by dividing India, turned against its own creator. Having realised his ideas gave birth to an Islamic Basilisk, Rahmat Ali left Pakistan and returned to Britain, a Christian dominated society and where he lived the rest of his life.

Pakistan has been an antithesis of humanity and democracy since its creation. The magnitude of oppression in Balochista­n under its occupation can be assessed by the numbers of victims. Since 2006, in just a decade, more than 20,000 people have been forced to “disappear”. Almost 3,000 people have been murdered in the custody of Pakistani forces, including lawyers, doctors, teachers, journalist­s and students. Pakistan uses different tactics to murder the Baloch people and their supporters.

On 8 August, a gathering of Baloch and Pashtun lawyers was struck by a suicide bomber at Quetta’s Civil Hospital, instantly killing more than 50 lawyers. Most of them Pashtun and Baloch, they had gathered in the hospital to collect their colleague’s dead body, who had been targeted and killed earlier in the day.

The million-dollar question remains that, in Quetta, where no Baloch can travel from one road to another without being subjected to constant army check-point harassment, how was it possible for a suicide bomber to wipe out an entire generation of lawyers without internal support?

 ??  ?? A graffiti of the Free Balochista­n Movement.
A graffiti of the Free Balochista­n Movement.

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