The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Haryana forms jumbo committee, members clueless



THE Haryana government has constitute­d a 141-member committee “to guide” the state’s Golden Jubilee year celebratio­ns set to begin November 1. But many of those named for the jumbo panel are unaware they are on it.

The committee, perhaps the largest constitute­d by the state government for any purpose, comprises actors, sportspers­ons, top doctors, former military brass, academics, industry honchos and a journalist as well. The bulk of the committee is made up of MLAS and MPS from the state and some former parliament­arians. Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar is the committee chairman.

Former Army Chief Deepak Kapoor, who is on the panel, said, “Frankly, I am surprised I have been included as a member in such a committee. I have no clue about any such golden jubilee celebratio­ns being planned by the state government.”

Former India cricketer Virender Sehwag, currently in England, is also named in the list. His manager, Puneet, said, “We don’t have any such intimation from Haryana government.”

Former Judge of Punjab and Haryana High Court, Justice Nawab Singh, said, “I have heard my name is in the committee by way of some notificati­on that the government has issued. But so far I have not been communicat­ed anything by the state government. I don’t know what this committee is all about.”

Convenor of the committee, Rajeev Sharma, a retired IAS officer of Haryana, said, “We are still in the process of sending invites to all the members for the meeting scheduled to be held on September 27. About no intimation to members, I cannot say anything as the names were approved at the highest level in the government and I do not have informatio­n as to how did they finalise those names.” In the meeting, the committee members will be asked to submit their ideas to make the event a grand success.

INLD leader Abhay Chautala said, “There was an all-party meeting on how to celebrate... I suggested that names of those who fought for creation of Haryana be highlighte­d. Among those Chaudhary Devi Lal’s name is supreme, but they did not do so, because it does not suit their agenda.”

 ??  ?? Chief Minister M L Khattar
Chief Minister M L Khattar

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