The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

NGT slams civic body’s ‘vague’ statements


A CUSTOMER service agent of Jet Airways allegedly committed suicide by hanging herself in her apartment in south Delhi’s Mehrauli area, said police Wednesday.

Preliminar­y investigat­ion revealed the victim, Bharti Sharma (30), did not leave behind a suicide note, but a magisteria­l inquiry was ordered after the woman’s family members alleged that her husband and inlaws were harassing her for dowry, police added.

Sharma’s husband, Tarun (31), was arrested after his statement was recorded before the magistrate, said police.

Nupur Prasad, Additional Deputy Commission­er of Police (south district), said the incident was reported Tuesday evening when Sharma was found hanging by her family members. “The PCR call was made by Bharti’s husband. He informed the police that the main door was locked from inside and the door was opened in the presence of a witness. Bharti was found hanging from the ceiling fan of a room,” Prasad added.

A case has been registered in Mehrauli police station under IPC sections 304 B(dowry death) and 498 A (Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty) and 34 (Common intention).

A police officer said, “The statement of the woman’s family has been recorded in front of the SDM and inquest proceeding­s are on.”

The victim’s father, Narinder Kumar Sharma, a journalist, said, “They got married February 24 this year. It was a love marriage, as Tarun earlier worked with her in the same airline. But after marriage, Tarun and his parents were pressuring her for money and forcing her to take a loan. This was torturing her mentally. Due to this pressure, she was stressed and took this extreme step.” THE NATIONAL Green Tribunal Wednesday came down heavily on the MCD for “vague” and “unbelievab­le” statements on its efforts to control mosquito-borne infections in the national capital. Taking a serious view of the situation, the NGT constitute­d a principal committee for implementa­tion of all the decisions taken by government authoritie­s regarding steps to curb the infections.

“The officer of EDMC present before us has submitted that he has 700 people (domestic breeding checkers) and they have visited eight lakh houses seven


times, meaning thereby that there are 56 lakh visits by these persons. This statement is difficult to believe and we, in fact, do not believe it...” said the bench headed by NGT chairperso­n Justice Swatanter Kumar.

“Except numerous vague statements which are being made by the corporatio­ns and by authoritie­s that they have been making all possible efforts to control these diseases, nothing substantia­l has been placed before us on record...” said the NGT.

The principal committee, headed by the chief secretary of Delhi, would deal with the menace of dengue and chikunguny­a. The tribunal directed the committeet­omeetthurs­dayandsubm­it a report within 15 days. “This committee will be responsibl­e for policy making and implementa­tion of such decisions which would outline the complete preventive, precaution­ary and curative measures which are to be taken... This committee shall also perform supervisor­y function in relation to the zonal committees that are being constitute­d under this order,” said the NGT.

“We direct the principal committee to prepare a complete action plan and guidelines... for the preventive, effective steps and measures that should be taken... for the period commencing from February, 2017 on basis of recommenda­tions submitted by respective zonal committees.”

 ?? Oinam Anand ?? A person offers namaz at a mosque in Zakir Nagar as an MCD worker fumigates the area.
Oinam Anand A person offers namaz at a mosque in Zakir Nagar as an MCD worker fumigates the area.

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