The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

AAP MLA Amanatulla­h Khan arrested



OKHLA MLA Amanatulla­h Khan was arrested Wednesday, a week after Delhi Police booked him on charges of sexual assault and harassment levelled by his sister-inlaw. He was arrested at the district Deputy Commission­er of Police office, where he was called for questionin­g, said police.

Additional DCP (southeast) Rajeev Ranjan confirmed his arrest. This was his second arrest in three months. Khan (42), and his brother were booked on charges under sections 354, 506, 509, 498A and 120B of the IPC at Jamia Nagar police station after his sister-in-law approached police last week. She had also submitted a CD, allegedly containing some photograph­s and audio recordings which purportedl­y show that Khan harassed her.

On Sunday, Khan, accompanie­d by his supporters, had gone to the police station to surrender. Police, however, refused to arrest him saying their investigat­ions were underway.

The AAP MLA alleged that police wanted to arrest him in a false case. “I requested them to not do so since I am personally involved in a fogging work in my area, but they said they are under pressure,” he said.

Sources said Khan was called to the DCP’S office in connection with the case and was placed under arrest. He was later produced before a city court, from where he was sent to one-day police custody, said a source.

In the meantime, Khan tweeted “Came here at DCP office, Sarita Vihar for general discussion. But they have arrested me.” Khan was earlier arrested on July 24 on a complaint by a Jasola resident, who alleged that he threatened her and tried to mow her down after she visited his residence to raise the issue of power cuts. He was released on bail on July 28.

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Amanatulla­h Khan

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