The Hindu (Visakhapatnam)

‘Crossing a legend like Tendulkar gives you the assurance you are on the right track’

In this conversati­on, 22-year-old Sai Sudharsan discusses his dazzling rise from breaking through in the TNPL to breaking a record in the IPL, his endeavour to constantly improve and add to his game, and the challenge of stepping up from domestic to inter

- B. Sai Sudharsan

Just the consistenc­y of the people or the bowlers executing is better. But it’s more about external things. You get more pressure with 100,000 people watching you. Cricket, I feel, is the same wherever we play. So, it is better not to get aœected by external factors. I visualise and meditate a lot. I try to keep everything similar and not try something diœerent when I go to the next level. I have the same processes and volumes during practice. When you are under pressure, your second nature comes out, and that has to be your best belief.

Where do you feel you have improved as a batter?

Game awareness. Sometimes, you practise a lot, even some particular shots. But you don’t know where to use it. I think that has gotten better in three years. Exposure to diŸcult conditions and better opponents has helped my game awareness, and my judgement has gotten better because of that. As a batter in my ‰rst year [in IPL], I had a few things to work on after playing ‰ve games. Last year, I played eight games, and again, I had a few things to work on. After every game, I try to analyse what’s happened and what I can do better if I ‰nd myself in that position again. That gives some clarity on where I can get better. After IPL 2022, I felt my shot-making ability had to improve because I didn’t have many options. I worked on that.

Last year, it seemed you added more shots, like the uppercut and lap.

In the ‰rst year, I couldn’t hit through the lines or challenge the speed and hit. In the second year, I was able to manage that or use the pace. In 2022, I was trying to go after [the ball], but the next year, I was calmer and let the ball come to me because it was a better option. That clarity has gotten better. This year, I felt I had improved in risk-taking and opened up a bit more. In 2023, we all played around Shubman Gill because he was having such a great season. This year, since no one had a big season, I was forced into a situation to step up and increase the intensity or pace. I have some learnings and also areas to improve for next year.

How would you rate your 2024 season?

I felt my approach could have been better in the ‰rst half and that I could have taken more risks. I got that understand­ing after a few games of experience. Now, I want to get better at it so that I can do that from the ‰rst game of the season, which can directly help the team. I am not a person who generally sees a lot of stats, but sometimes, when you see yourself cross a legend like that [Tendulkar], it de‰nitely gives you a sense of happiness. It gives you an assurance that you are on the right track and you are working in the right way so that you can get even better as a batter.

I played the under-19 Challenger and got dropped. But it was the best thing to happen to me

How do you balance the demands of the shorter formats with long-form cricket? And is Test cricket a goal for you?

I think Test cricket is the dream. It’s the purest form. I believe red-ball cricket complement­s my white-ball game. Yes, I am also ‰nding it a little diŸcult, but I’m trying to understand what it takes to get better and adapt as early as possible from one format to another. I feel it’s about decision-making and risk-taking. That is the crucial diœerence.

What are the goals for the new season?

There were many improvemen­ts and lessons from the last season. I went to Ranji, India-A, and played in diœerent conditions. I want to adapt quickly when switching between white- and redball formats. Sometimes, it is diŸcult because the requiremen­ts change and your basics change. It will always be diŸcult, but I want to see how quickly I can do it.

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