The Hindu (Tiruchirapalli)

‘India’s Kaladan project in Myanmar in limbo as rebels control key town’

- Kallol Bhattacher­jee

One of India’s flagship connectivi­ty projects that was aimed at enhancing road and maritime connection with Southeast Asia has faced a definite setback after an important town in Myanmar was captured recently by a rebel group, a senior figure of Myanmar’s Opposition has stated.

Speaking to The Hindu, the source said that the Kaladan MultiModal Transit Transport Project (KMTTP) has “almost died” after the rebel Arakan Army (AA) captured the Paletwa township near Mizoram border in January.

“There is no way that any connectivi­ty project can take place in Rakhine State right now as the AA has establishe­d control in almost all the major towns and supply routes. As a result, the Kaladan project too has almost died as Paletwa is essential for this project and Paletwa is no longer in control of the military junta,” said the senior Opposition figure from Myanmar.

KMTTP was aimed at connecting the port of Kolkata with the port of Sittwe in Rakhine or Arakan State which would then be connected to Mizoram by road and the Kaladan river which flows by Paletwa. But the restive province has witnessed serious clashes between the Myan

Workers during the constructi­on of a port in Sittwe in Rakhine State of Myanmar.

mar military and the rebel AA. The source said the AA has establishe­d control over MraukU, Kyauktaw, Minbya, Thandwe, and major roads connecting these towns. AA has also captured Ann township which has Myanmar Army’s Western Command headquarte­rs.

$500-million project

Kaladan project, which was estimated to cost around $500 million has been delayed for multiple reasons, including the Rohingya crisis that erupted in 2017. However while the Rohingya crisis is rooted in religious and ethnic difference­s between the junta in Naypyidaw and Muslim Rohingyas, the conflict between the AA and the Myanmar military junta is not based on religious difference­s but fuelled by a nationalis­t aspiration of the Buddhist Arakanese population of the region which has been demanding a confederat­ed

or independen­t status. The population of Rakhine State is divided among the Buddhist Arakanese, Rohingyas and nonRohingy­a Muslims, Christians, and other communitie­s.

The fight between the AA and the junta’s forces took a crucial turn on January 15 when the rebel forces captured Paletwa. This move has also roused concern of a tripartite conflict involving the junta’s forces, the AA, and rebels of the Chin State as Paletwa has been traditiona­lly a Chinmajori­ty township.

The Myanmar source said that the AA is in an advantageo­us position and it is a matter of time before they establish control over the entire State of Rakhine, an unpreceden­ted situation. “They are now aiming for capturing the Sittwe port, which is one of the oldest ports and airports of Myanmar and they can do that as early as summer of this year,” said the source who requested anonymity.

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