The Hindu (Mumbai)

Burden of power

Search for superpower status should not drive India’s space exploratio­n


rasanth Balakrishn­an Nair, Ajit Krishnan, Angad Pratap and Shubhanshu Shukla — these Air Force pilots constitute the final shortlist of candidates from among whom India’s astronauts for its human spacefligh­t mission, a.k.a. Gaganyaan, will be selected. The announceme­nt, by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during an official visit to Kerala, fills the last real unknown about the ambitious mission, which aims to send an Indian crew to lowearth orbit onboard an Indian rocket. The Indian Space Research Organisati­on (ISRO) has signalled that, setting aside the risk of unexpected delays, it expects to conduct two test flights of the humanrated Launch Vehicle Mark3 rocket in 2024 and 2025 and the crewed launch in 2025. The Union Cabinet approved Gaganyaan in 2018 at a cost of ₹10,000 crore. Since then, the ISRO centres and their collaborat­ors in industry and academia have worked to bring the mission’s various components together while also negotiatin­g delays due to the COVID19 pandemic and ISRO’s commercial commitment­s. Now, with the astronauts’ names in the open, India is truly in the last mile.

It would be naive to believe an undertakin­g of this scale can be completely free of political capture, but Gaganyaan cannot be altogether politicall­y motivated either. Among other things, the Indian Space Policy 2023 requires ISRO to “carry out applied research and developmen­t of newer systems so as to maintain India’s edge in … human spacefligh­t” and to “... develop a long term roadmap for sustained human presence in space”. ISRO has also flown a bevy of technologi­cal, research, and commercial missions with sufficient support from the Centre to render them immune to political accountabi­lity, and Gaganyaan has been no different. But going ahead, it should be different, with justificat­ion that is amenable to public scrutiny and debate while seeding a culture of space exploratio­n that is truly democratic, rather than being motivated seemingly by geopolitic­al aspiration­s. Similarly, while a road map is being set — accommodat­ing Mr. Modi’s “directive” to ISRO to land an Indian on the moon by 2040 — the endeavour must be to give Gaganyaans present and future an identity rooted less in “India’s edge”, which when maintained for its own sake becomes a vacuous thing, and more in the fundamenta­l act of creating new scientific and societal value. Other countries, including China, may be technologi­cally ahead, but India must keep the focus on scientific exploratio­n and expanding human horizons, and not on achieving some ‘space superpower’ status.


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