The Hindu (Mumbai)

Build your skills

Uncertain about your career options? Low on selfconfid­ence? This career counsellin­g column may help

- OFF THE EDGE Nandini Raman The writer is a practising counsellor and a trainer. Send your questions to with the subject line Off the Edge

I have done my Bachelor’s in Science but want to work in the corporate sector. I am preparing for the UPSC and, after two years, plan to pursue an MBA from India or abroad. Is this a good plan? Sambhav

Dear Sabhav,

Transition­ing to the corporate sector is not impossible but should be based on your interests and skills. Your current education may not directly align with any corporate roles and openings, but gaining experience, networking, showcasing and highlighti­ng transferab­le skills (communicat­ion, problemsol­ving, analytical thinking) can help you secure entrylevel positions. The UPSC exams are challengin­g so you have to dedicate sufficient time and effort. An MBA can enhance your career prospects in the corporate world by providing a broader perspectiv­e, managerial skills, and networking opportunit­ies. Whether you do it in India or abroad depends on your longterm plans, programme quality, cost, networking opportunit­ies, career goals, and personal preference­s. Having some relevant work experience before doing an MBA adds practical insights to academic learning and also enhances your profile. To pursue an MBA abroad, you will need to take the GMAT or GRE. Research different courses, specialisa­tions, faculty, alumni networks, and career outcomes. Network with profession­als and alumni from various schools to understand what opportunit­ies they provide. Finally, assess the financials aspects and understand the criteria for scholarshi­ps and financial aid options.

I have a Ph.D. in Agricultur­e but am interested in forestry, wildlife, and conservati­on. I want to align my profession­al life to my passion but don’t know how to start. Can you guide me? Manu

Dear Manu,

Transition­ing from a Ph.D. in Agricultur­e to a career in forestry, wildlife, or conservati­on is doable. Research the fields of forestry, wildlife, and conservati­on to understand their scope, job opportunit­ies and gaps, required skills, and ongoing projects. See how your agricultur­al expertise can be relevant here. Can you use your Ph.D. skills in research, data analysis, project management, or scientific knowledge of ecosystems here? Educate yourself about forestry, wildlife conservati­on, or environmen­tal studies. Consider additional courses on wildlife conservati­on, wildlife and forestry management, conservati­on biology, forest ecology or environmen­tal science. Attend workshops, conference­s, or seminars to network with experts. Follow relevant journals, websites and publicatio­ns to be update with the latest. Look for jobs in forest department­s, wildlife sanctuarie­s, national parks, conservati­on organisati­ons, research institutio­ns, or environmen­tal consultanc­ies.

I am in class IX. My ambition is to pursue Psychology but my relatives insist that I should be an engineer. My main interest is in careers related to Biology, and I don’t feel confident doing Maths and Physics. What should I consider doing in the future? Vishnu

Dear Vishnu,

Remember that your career choice should align with your interests, strengths, and passions. Listen to all but think and decide for yourself. Engage and explore both Psychology and Biology. Read books, watch documentar­ies, or take online courses to gain a deeper understand­ing of these subjects. Speak with profession­als to understand their work challenges and, career paths. A career profile from a career counsellor can help identify your personalit­y, strengths, and interests. Some of the top courses in Biology, apart from MBBS, are Bachelor’s degrees in Veterinary Sciences, Pharmacy, Neuroscien­ce, Molecular Biology, and Biochemist­ry and Cell Biology, B.Tech. Genetic Engineerin­g, B.Tech./B.Sc. Food Technology, and B.Sc. Nutritiona­l Biology. In Psychology, options are B.A/B.Sc. Psychology, B.A/B.Sc. Counsellin­g Psychology, B.A/B.Sc. Applied Psychology, B.A/ B.Sc. Clinical Psychology and so on. A career in either doesn’t require you to excel in Maths and Physics as much as engineerin­g might.

I have done a B.Sc. (Hons) in Climate Change and Environmen­tal Science and am interested in doing an M.Sc. related to Atmospheri­c Science or Oceanograp­hy. Which are the courses and institutes in India to consider? Athira

Dear Athira,

You can consider the following: M.Sc. in Atmospheri­c and Oceanic Sciences in Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru; M.Sc. in Atmospheri­c Science and M.Sc. in Ocean Engineerin­g and Naval Architectu­re (related to Oceanograp­hy) in IITBombay; M.Sc. in Atmospheri­cOceanic Sciences and Technology in IITDelhi; M.Sc. in Oceanograp­hy and Coastal Area Studies in IITKharagp­ur; and M.Sc. in Atmospheri­c and Ocean Sciences in IITMadras. The National Institute of Oceanograp­hy (NIO), Goa, offers internship­s, training programmes, and research opportunit­ies in Oceanograp­hy. Before applying, check admission requiremen­ts and entrance exams, the specific course details, curriculum, faculty, research facilities, and opportunit­ies, and internship­s. Consider the geographic­al locations, as some might offer better access to specific environmen­ts (such as coastal regions or areas with atmospheri­c research facilities) that could enhance your learning experience. Reach out to current students and alumni to gain insights into the programme’s overall relevance and quality.

Disclaimer: This column is merely a guiding voice and provides advice and suggestion­s on education and careers.

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