The Hindu (Kozhikode)

Centre of Excellence in Nutraceuti­cals in capital


The State Cabinet on Wednesday approved the setting up of a Centre of Excellence in Nutraceuti­cals in the capital. This will be a joint venture of the Kerala Developmen­t and Innovation Strategic Council (KDISC), Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environmen­t and Kerala State Industrial Developmen­t Corporatio­n.

The Cabinet also decided to allow land for the same at the Life Sciences Park at Thonnakkal, near here. Research and developmen­t activities will be initiated by the centre and, for the time being, it will utilise some of the space allocated to the Institute of Advanced Virology for setting up its laboratori­es.

The centre is expected to conduct research on the rich bioresourc­es of the State, including its plant wealth and the mineralric­h marine resources and to explore the commercial prospects of developing various nutraceuti­cals. The government believes that this venture could be a good opportunit­y for the State as it already has a legacy of herbal and Ayurveda medicine and a wealth of spices and marine resources.

According to the government, a study done by Invest India had noted that the nutraceuti­cals industry had been growing exponentia­lly, catering to the needs of the wellness and beauty industry as well as the health-care industry. The report said India has a 2% share in the global nutraceuti­cals market with a market value of $4 billion and that it is expected to show a growth of $18 billion by 2025.

The government also believes that Kerala stands a much better chance than other States as far as the availabili­ty of raw materials, conducive weather and environmen­t conditions, rich biodiversi­ty and availabili­ty of trained human resource are concerned and that it can help lay the foundation for a good nutraceuti­cal industry.

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