The Hindu (Kozhikode)

ZEEL forms panel to ‘protect investors’

- Byju’s shareholde­rs vote to remove CEO and his family

Byju’s shareholde­rs on Friday voted unanimousl­y for removing founder CEO Byju Raveendran and his family from the board over alleged “mismanagem­ent and failures” at what was once India’s hottest edtech startup, but the company dug in its heels, calling the voting done in the absence of the founders as ‘invalid and ineffectiv­e’.

Mr. Raveendran, his wife and brother — the only three members on the board as of now — stayed

Byju Raveendran

away from the extraordin­ary general meeting (EGM) called by a group of six investors, who collective­ly hold more than 32% in Think & Learn (T&L), the firm that operates Byju’s.

At the end, more than 60% of the shareholde­rs voted in favour of all the seven resolution­s, which included removing the current management, reconfigur­ation of the board and a third party forensic investigat­ion into acquisitio­ns done by the company, sources close to the investors said.

Sources close to Byju’s put the number at 47%.

The Karnataka High Court had earlier refused to stay the EGM but stated that any resolution passed shall not be given effect till the next date of hearing. Mr. Raveendran and family own 26.3% in T&L.

With the fall in its stock price after the collapse of the merger deal with Sony, ZEE Entertainm­ent Enterprise­s Ltd. has decided to constitute an Independen­t Advisory Committee “to review the widespread circulatio­n of misinforma­tion and rumours that has led to the formation of negative public opinion about the company and consequent erosion of investor wealth,” the company said.

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