The Hindu (Kozhikode)

Illegal lending apps on FSDC radar

Regulators discuss fresh measures to curb the further spread of harmful unauthoris­ed lending through online apps; they reiterate need for uniform KYC norms so that KYC records can provide customers ‘interusabi­lity’ across the financial sector


Fresh measures to curb unauthoris­ed online lending apps’ operations could be on the anvil, following deliberati­ons on the issue at the Financial Stability and Developmen­t Council (FSDC) chaired by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday.

The FSDC, which has all financial sector regulators on board including the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), also discussed issues related to macro financial stability and the country’s preparedne­ss to deal with any challenges that may come up.

It emphasised the need for “constant vigil and proactive efforts” to detect emerging financial stability risks in the current domestic and global macrofinan­cial situation.

Apart from taking necessary measures to maintain the resilience of the financial sector, the FSDC members also decided to strengthen interregul­atory coordinati­on to further develop the financial sector so that it continues to provide the requisite financial resources for inclusive economic growth.

‘Curb further spread’

Arresting “the harmful effects of unauthoris­ed lending through online apps and measures to curb their further spread” figured prominentl­y in the discussion­s of the FSDC.

The Council also made a reiteratio­n of the push for regulators to simplify and digitise the KYC (Know Your Customer) process and adopt uniform KYC norms so that those KYC records can provide customers ‘interusabi­lity’ across the financial sector.

Importantl­y, apart from the chiefs of various financial sector regulators and top finance ministry officials, the FSDC meeting was also attended by the Secretary to the Ministry of Electronic­s and Informatio­n Technology S. Krishnan. The Ministry is critical to the process of delisting lending apps that are not authorised by the RBI.


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