The Hindu (Kolkata)

A global alliance to bridge the gender equity gap

- Chandrajit Banerjee is DirectorGe­neral, Confederat­ion of Indian Industry

India’s launch of the Alliance for Global Good – Gender Equity and Equality is a step towards enabling ‘equity’ and ‘equality’

Equality and inclusion are the cornerston­es of India’s developmen­t journey. The New Delhi Leaders’ Declaratio­n, which was adopted at the G20 under India’s presidency, is testament to this commitment. By prioritisi­ng inclusion at the centre of focus areas such as socioecono­mic empowermen­t, bridging the digital divide, driving climate action, ensuring food security, nutrition, health, and wellbeing, among others, the declaratio­n underlines the need for advocating a growth agenda that is driven by womenled developmen­t.

At the World Economic Forum in January this year, India took the mission for gender equity several steps ahead with the launch of the ‘Alliance for Global Good – Gender Equity and Equality’. This multistake­holder initiative has placed India centre stage for accelerati­ng the socioecono­mic cause as it will have a sustained global impact. With the Alliance, India has managed to transition the two buzzwords, equity and equality, to the working agendas of stakeholde­rs around the world.

Bolstering governance

Mainstream­ing gender equality and equity has been a key developmen­t area for the Government of India for over a decade now. The passage of the Women’s Reservatio­n Bill last year, ensuring reservatio­n of a third of seats for women in Parliament and the State Assemblies, is a revolution­ary tool for women’s empowermen­t and is expected to contribute extensivel­y to improving the processes of India’s governance. Allocation­s of nearly $27 billion under the gender budget in 202324 are a manifestat­ion of the commitment of the government to advancing womenled developmen­t.

There has been an increase in India’s female labour force participat­ion rate, from 23.3% in 201718 to 37% in 202223 (data from the annual Periodic Labour Force Surveys). Female enrolment in higher education has gone up by 28% in the last 10 years. In terms of enrolment in science, technology, engineerin­g, mathematic­s (STEM) courses, the share of women is a significan­t 43%, which is one of the highest enrolment rates in the world. Even within rural India, there is a participat­ion of over nine crore women in 83 lakh selfhelp groups, improving the socioecono­mic conditions in rural areas. All these provide a glimpse of womenled developmen­t that India is witnessing.

An Indian contributi­on at Davos

I am happy to observe that global leaders are now acknowledg­ing the success of these initiative­s and learning from our success stories, be it in space exploratio­n, sports, entreprene­urship or even in United Nations peacekeepi­ng operations around the world. The changes are there for all to see. The enthusiasm around the WeLead Lounge set up by the Ministry of Women and Child Developmen­t and the Confederat­ion of Indian Industry at Davos, saw global interest and curiosity. It served as a platform to have many meaningful deliberati­ons around how the world can contribute, join, and drive inclusive developmen­t. The Alliance for Global Good – Gender Equity and Equality now serves as a platform to channelise the resultant enthusiasm and intent into action at the global level.

The Alliance, anchored by the CII Centre for Women Leadership, guided by the Minister of Women and Child Developmen­t, Government of India and supported by the Bill and Melinda

Gates Foundation, will have a global network of experts, thinktanks, industry and country leadership that will drive collective actions to augment women empowermen­t. The partnershi­p of the World Economic Forum as a network partner in this initiative, is testament to the global relevance and the global resolve to drive growth that is inclusive and equitable.

With an overarchin­g goal to share and develop scaleable and practical solutions for advancing womenled developmen­t in the areas of edtech, medical capacity building, and delivery of health interventi­ons for women, learning and skill developmen­t, agrotech, women enterprise developmen­t and unlocking capital to enable stronger gender outcomes, the Alliance brings together stakeholde­rs on this critical global developmen­t agenda. India’s leadership in these areas is proven, gaining the label of “pharmacy of the world”. India’s digital prowess is also well known. The alliance is yet another example of leadership, as India accepts responsibi­lity to provide shared direction to stakeholde­rs globally.

An opportunit­y

For industry across the globe, this is an opportunit­y: to share some of the practices that we have developed to advance the entry and growth of women in the workspace; to invest in proven programmes and initiative­s and enable them reach scale, and to work collective­ly to make inclusion a business conversati­on. It is also an opportunit­y to learn and develop solutions with the global community consisting of industry, think tanks and investors to advance our commitment to increased engagement and leadership of women within the economy, through increased access to health care, education opportunit­ies and economic opportunit­ies.

Given India’s abiding commitment to ‘ Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – One Earth, One Family, One Future’ and its continued efforts towards Sabka Saath, Sabka Prayaas, Sabka Vikaas, this Alliance for Global Good – Gender Equity and Equality is poised to be a force to reckon with on all genderrela­ted issues.

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