The Hindu (Kochi)

Path to college

A timeline for students of Classes 9 to 12 on how to prepare for the journey ahead

- CAREER CUES Richa Dwivedi Saklani With inputs from Anjana Anand The writer is Founder and CEO, Inomi Learning, a Gurugram-based career and college guidance firm.

Getting ready for college might feel like a huge challenge but, with the right plan, it can be a fun and exciting adventure. Whether you’re in Class 9 or 12, it’s never too late (or too early) to start preparing for higher education and your career path. Here’s a simple, easyto-understand guide to help you along the way.

Class 9: Basics

This year is all about setting the stage for success. Here’s what you can do:

Get involved: Join clubs, sports teams, or volunteer organisati­ons. Explore your interests and start building a list of extracurri­cular activities.

Focus on academics: Develop good study habits and aim for strong grades.

Build relationsh­ips: Get to know your teachers and school counsellor­s. They will be great resources and future recommende­r.

Think ahead: Consider what you enjoy and what careers might interest you. There’s no need to decide now; just start exploring.

Career exploratio­n:

Take career interest surveys or use profession­al tools like aptitude tests to understand your strengths and interests.

Class 10: Exploratio­n

Sophomore year is about going deeper into your interests and making preliminar­y plans.

Take challengin­g courses: Choose electives, additional subjects that challenge you and align with your interests. Consider pursuing online courses. This shows colleges you’re serious about your education.

Competitiv­e exams: If you’re considerin­g colleges in India, start exploring competitiv­e exams like the JEE (for engineerin­g) or NEET (for medicine) and begin preparatio­n.

Stay involved: Keep up with your extracurri­cular activities and look for leadership opportunit­ies.

Career exploratio­n: Attend career fairs, shadow profession­als, or take a career interest survey. Begin narrowing down your interests.

Seek guidance: Meet your school counsellor or a career advisor to discuss potential career paths.

Class 11: The big year

This is the year when you start putting your plans into action.

Exams: Take the SAT or ACT if you’re applying to colleges abroad. For Indian colleges, focus on JEE, NEET, or other relevant exams.

College search: Start researchin­g colleges. Visit campuses physically or virtually, attend college fairs, and meet with representa­tives.

Academic focus: Grades matte so stay focused on academics.

Recommenda­tion letters: Ask teachers who know you well to write letters of recommenda­tion. Provide them with your resume.

Extracurri­culars: Aim for leadership roles in your activities. Colleges love to see leadership experience.

Career tools: Use career exploratio­n tools like interest inventorie­s or job shadowing programmes to gain more insight into different career options.

Class 12: The nal stretch

It’s now time to wrap things up and get those applicatio­ns in.

College list: Narrow down your college list and make note of applicatio­n deadlines.

Applicatio­ns: Start your college applicatio­ns early. Write your essays

Take it one step at a time, stay true to yourself, and enjoy the ride. and have them reviewed by teachers or mentors.

Competitiv­e exams: For Indian colleges, intensify your preparatio­n for entrance exams.

Financial aid: Apply for scholarshi­ps and understand the packages o”ered by each school.

Academics: Don’t slack o”! Colleges will look at your –nal grades.

Decision time: Once you’ve received your acceptance letters, weigh your options and decide where you want to go.

Career plan: Revisit your career plan and ensure your chosen college supports your aspiration­s. Seek internship­s or parttime jobs in your –eld of interest.

Make summers count Summers are a fantastic opportunit­y to get ahead and make your college applicatio­n stand out.

Internship­s and parttime jobs: Gain real-world experience in –elds that interest you. This not only boosts your resume but also gives you a taste of potential careers.

Volunteer: Get involved in community service. Volunteeri­ng demonstrat­es commitment and compassion — qualities colleges value.

Summer programmes: Enroll in summer courses or camps related to your interests. These can enhance your skills and show your dedication to learning.

Self-led projects: Undertake personal projects or research in areas you are passionate about. This initiative can set you apart from other applicants.

Test prep: Use the summer to prepare for competitiv­e exams like JEE, NEET, SAT, or ACT. Focused study during this time can significan­tly improve your scores.

General tips Stay organised:

Use a planner or digital calendar to keep track of important dates and deadlines.

Seek help: Don’t hesitate to ask for help from teachers, counsellor­s, or family members. There are plenty of resources available.

Be yourself: Colleges want to see the real you. Be genuine in your applicatio­ns and pursue what you’re passionate about.

Self care: Maintain a healthy balance between school, activities, and personal time. Don’t forget to relax and enjoy high school!

Take it one step at a time, stay true to yourself, and enjoy the ride.

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