The Hindu (Kochi)

Sea incursion in Edavanakad: residents observe hartal

People’s collective takes out protest rally, attended by more than 1,000 people, from Kuzhuppill­y to Aniyal; panchayat members and protest committee leaders hold talks with District Collector

- The Hindu Bureau

Ahartal called by a people’s collective in Edavanakad panchayat in Ernakulam on Friday against the misery spawned by heavy sea incursion was complete, with shops remaining shut, vehicles o the road, blockades on the stretch of the State Highway passing through the coastal panchayat and shing boats o the waters.

A mammoth protest rally, claimed to have been attended by more than 1,000 people, was taken out from Kuzhuppill­y to Aniyal in the morning. People from all walks of life and political parties took part in the rally. Tra†c through the panchayat remained disrupted.

Shortly thereafter, a delegation of panchayat members led by the president and vice president

and protest committee leaders left for the district collectora­te to hold discussion­s with the District Collector.

“Our primary demand is the erection of tetrapod seawall similar to the one in Chellanam. The traditiona­l seawall is of little use since huge granites are said to be no longer available. As per an estimate, the

proposed tetrapod seawall would cost around ₹57 crore,” said V.K. Iqbal, vice president, Edavanakad panchayat.

Constructi­on of drains and restoratio­n of the 2.5km stretch of the old Coastal Highway are the other demands. “Around 1 km of the road remains submerged under sand deposit left behind by invading waves while the remaining stretch has been left unmaintain­ed, seriously affecting the mobility of the people,” said Jithin M.D., a sherman.

He also demanded that widespread damage to livelihood such as shrimp farming caused by the invading waves be properly compensate­d. As many as 12 shing vessels, accounting for nearly 50 shing workers each, remained tethered to the shore on Friday in a show of solidarity with the hartal.

Meanwhile, widespread resentment is brewing in the panchayat against the perceived indierence of local MLA K.N. Unnikrishn­an against the struggles of the panchayat. “Forget about visiting us, he hasn’t even bothered to enquire about our problems,” alleged Mr. Jithin. Mr. Unnikrishn­an could not be reached for his response to the allegation­s.

 ?? ?? For coastal protection: People block the Vypeen-Munambam Road near Nayarambal­am protesting against sea incursion in the Edavanakad area on Friday.
For coastal protection: People block the Vypeen-Munambam Road near Nayarambal­am protesting against sea incursion in the Edavanakad area on Friday.

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