The Hindu - International

It takes a ‘Bicester village’

After West Asia, North Africa, and Latin America — where seaweed textile picked up the top prize — the newest initiative empowering women entreprene­urs is heading to South Asia

- Akanksha Kamath

Thamires Pontes has configured how to turn seaweed into a tenable textile fibre. The alternativ­e to petrochemi­cals in clothing is the Brazilbase­d textile designer’s attempt at negating fashion’s waste and carbon emission problems (currently, the fashion industry is responsibl­e for 10% of the world’s global carbon emissions according to the United Nations). Last month, Pontes’ timely innovation also won her the Unlock Her Future Prize of $100,000 by retail experience­s brand, The Bicester Collection.

Increasing­ly, awards and prizes are becoming a gateway for women to have their ideas vetted, validated and made visible in a highly maledomina­ted entreprene­urial ecosystem. For instance, in May, Asan, a newage menstrual cup that is aiming to eradicate period poverty in India, won its founder

Ira Guha a Cartier Women’s Initiative fellowship. In June, Kenyan entreprene­ur Beth Koigi’s atmospheri­c water generators — which draw clean water from the air — won her the 2023 Rolex Award for Enterprise.

Such initiative­s are put in perspectiv­e when you consider that, according to Harvard Business School, fewer than 3% of womenled businesses receive venture capital today. Yet, it is proven that if men and women were equally represente­d in entreprene­urship, global GDP could rise by 3%6%, equivalent to up to $5 trillion. “Gender parity is literally good for business and the economy,” says MariaNoel Vaeza, the UN Women’s regional director for the Americas and Caribbean, and jury member for this year’s Prize. “Only 30% of Parliament globally is represente­d by women. Today, 15% of mayors are women and only 6% of women are CEOs. Also, only 17% of women hold the position of board of directors in the private sector. There is so much work to be done.”

Supporting womenled initiative­s

Whittled down from 954 applicants with earlystage startup ideas (less than three years in operation) that align with the United Nations

Modelled on the American outlet stripmall concept, The Bicester Collection is made up of 11 luxury lifestyle and shopping destinatio­ns. The destinatio­ns, which are becoming increasing­ly popular among Indian tourists and those celebratin­g weddings abroad, draw in crowds for their curation of internatio­nal luxury brands such as Loewe, Saint Laurent, Prada, and Gucci at deeply discounted rates. Last month, the Ambanis were rumoured to have planned a day at the Las Rozas Village near Madrid for their guests during their multiple-city wedding celebratio­ns.

Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals, only 108 were selected. Eight finalists shared their ideas in the days leading up to the finale. Valentina Agudelo from Colombia, for instance, started Salva Health that develops portable devices with AI to help detect breast cancer early, making it accessible to women in remote areas. Bluekali by Mexicobase­d Annie Rosas uses technology to clean oceans and rivers. Her app can take a picture of a discarded item and scan its make and plastic to help segregate waste correctly. Think of it as a Google image search for waste disposal. Four women entreprene­urs were finally anointed the winners.

But is a startup competitio­n really the solution to empowering women entreprene­urs? “These prizes certainly encourage and inspire more women and girls to come forward. But a competitio­n environmen­t runs the risk of not clearly being able to test the validity of ideas beyond the competitio­n. For instance, is their capacity to deliver on the idea being considered? After all, the real test of entreprene­urship is in real life conditions,” says Upma Chawdhry, treasurer of Plan (India) Internatio­nal and board member of the organisati­on focused on children’s rights and equality for girls in over 80 countries. As an industry veteran, Chawdhry cautions against investing in fledgling ideas that haven’t had the time to grow their roots.

Some prizes are addressing this in their programme frameworks. For example, for the Cartier Women’s Initiative, an eligible criteria for applicatio­n is a proven business model and revenue generation from its products for at least one year. Others such as the Unlock Her Future Prize see investing in early stage ideas as a prospectiv­e incubation journey. “It’s not just about giving them that cheque and leaving them,” says Chantal Khoueiry, chief culture officer of The Bicester Collection. “We are trying to integrate them into our business.” Noor Jaber, last year’s winner, is a case in point. The founder of Dubaibased Nawat Health, a platform that provides secure sexual and reproducti­ve expert informatio­n to women and girls, hosted their first ever educationa­l programme for The Bicester Collection’s female employees.

South Asia enters the picture

As the next edition of the prize travels closer to home, to South

Asia, Khoueiry notes its potential in the region. “Encouragin­gly, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh have seen a rise in social businesses over the last few decades. However, in 2023, the World Bank reported the rate of female ownership of firms was just 18%, significantly lower than the global average of 34%. It is indicative of systemic challenges such as limited access to finance, market opportunit­ies, and societal support. This is where we can make a difference.”

According to Chawdhry, while the expansion into South Asia is crucial, it is still an ambitious undertakin­g. “The biggest challenge will be outreach. How can they tap talent wherever it exists? Because there is no dearth of it,” she says.

Overall, Chawdhry and others see such awards as a positive in a maledomina­nt startup structure.

“It will be a trigger within the system and inspire other women to come forward. These are credible brands to be associated with, and with it comes visibility.” And isn’t that the need of the hour?

The Do Good global philanthro­pic programme empowering women and children launched the Unlock Her Future Prize last year. After a successful West Asia and North Africa edition, 2024 spotlighte­d the Latin America region.

The writer is an independen­t journalist based in London, writing on fashion, luxury and lifestyle.

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