The Hindu - International

Of French exotica

Fashion, food, tennis... France has an outsize influence on great many things that make the good life

- Rishi Kanna

The French have had an important influence with their manifold contributi­ons in modern world history. Though a small country matching only up to the size of South India, its burgeoning influence during the European scientific and cultural revolution in the 14th century elevated its stance on the world map. The French’s contributi­ons are wide and versatile. The English language is replete with French words which add a certain degree of gravitas to proficient English speakers. Words such as entreprene­ur, ballet, café, genre, bon appetit and bon voyage have French provenance.

Apart from literary contributi­ons, the French have had significant other additions to our mundane lives. The French kiss (a passionate lip lock of a loving couple), French door and windows (a door with glass panes extending its whole length), French fries (sliced crispy potato fries, though first originated from Belgium), French toast (a bread toasted after soaking in eggs and milk), French leave (sneaking out without permission) and the lipsmackin­g French cuisine springs up in the mind immediatel­y.

Often missed, I would like to add one more to this enticing list — the French Open. One of the four coveted grand slam tournament­s usually happens in the first week of June, coinciding with the start of the academic year. As I glanced through the opening round matches of this year’s tournament, I had nostalgic memories of my childhood where the fragrance of new school books with their brown wrappers, the excitement of having new bags and boxes, and the apprehensi­on of meeting unfamiliar, new teachers and friends, all interspers­ed with the 14 days of the French Open. Those were the days when Doordarsha­n would telecast only the semifinals and finals, which kept us glued to the television screen over the evening on weekends. While the reddishbro­wn turf, eyecatchin­g fluorescent yellow balls and the skilled muscular players offered a psychedeli­c delight, the thumping sound as the racquet meets the racing ball, the crowd’s cheers, boos and roars, and the players’ grunts and groans were auditory ecstasies.

The French Open is a different ball game because of its unique clay court. The ball takes some time to reach the racquet and the surface is completely different from Wimbledon’s grass and the synthetic turfs of U.S. and Australian Opens. Naturally, the trophy has eluded even muchexalte­d alltime greats such as Pete Sampras and Boris Becker. Contrarily, there were a few stalwarts such as Rafael Nadal and Carlos Moya who shot to the Hall of Fame with expertise on clay courts.

French Open has had unique winners who cakewalked through the Open while coming a cropper in other courts. These included the mercurial Michael Chang, the swanky Gustavo Kuerton, the lanky Sergei Bruguera, the sleek Jim Courier and the reverseflicking Alberto


The view of the crimson centre court with its precise white lines, green side boards, and the red dust that rises up as the racing serve hits the turf are delights to watch and I am sure you will fall in love with it. Au revoir.


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