The Hindu - International

NRC can be implemente­d in Manipur under the strict supervisio­n of SC: Kuki group


An apex body of the KukiZo community on Saturday said it would not oppose the implementa­tion of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Manipur if it was carried out under the strict supervisio­n of the Supreme Court.

The condition set by the Kuki Inpi Manipur (KIM) followed demands for an Assamlike NRC by Meitei and Naga organisati­ons to “check infiltration” from across Manipur’s border with civil wartorn Myanmar.

Assam underwent a major exercise to update the NRC of 1951. The exercise has remained in limbo since the complete draft was published in August 2019, leaving out 19.06 lakh of some 3.3 crore applicants from the list of citizens.

The KIM said that its members would not dispute any genuine effort to identify noncitizen­s and take necessary action according to the “constituti­onal rules and principles”, provided the NRC is carried out under the strict supervisio­n of the Supreme Court and in due consultati­on with tribal organisati­ons.

“Subsequent­ly, any illegal immigrant found, whether a Kuki, Naga or Meitei, may be thoroughly dealt with as per the establishe­d laws of the country,” KIM leader Janghaolun Haokip said in a statement.

‘Hostilitie­s must end’

“The unwarrante­d and brutal hostilitie­s against our people by the Meiteis must end, and only then a procedural conduct of NRC in KukiZo inhabited regions can be justifiable and viable,” he said, stressing the need for the constituti­onal protection of the KukiZo people by creating a Union Territory for them.

“The Meitei State leadership responsibl­e for the oppression and persecutio­n of our people, causing the loss of 186 precious lives, the arson and destructio­n of more than 7,000 houses, and rendering more than 41,000 KukiZo people homeless, has no legitimate say and authority over the future of our people,” Mr. Haokip said.

 ?? ?? The India-Myanmar border fence in Manipur’s Moreh.
The India-Myanmar border fence in Manipur’s Moreh.

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