The Hindu - International

Exhilarati­ng Euros knocking it out of the park

The second phase of the continenta­l showpiece has produced it all — stoppageti­me bicycle kick, shock headers in opening moments, fingertip stops to win the game, controvers­ial VAR calls to alter the course of the match, and an unpreceden­ted hattrick of

- Bhavin Shivaa

nternation­al knockout football, there’s nothing like it. Stature holds no weight here, it disintegra­tes and fades away into oblivion.

Tactics take the backseat. Pulverisin­g passion, oceans of emotion, gutwrenchi­ng nerves, the hopes of an entire nation — these are the driving forces in the playoff rounds.

David, Goliath, Butch, Sundance, it doesn’t matter. It is all about these 90 minutes — a oneoff tie with the highest of stakes and you have to leave it all on the pitch.

It is not the team that is most structural­ly sound nor the side with the highest possession that progresses. But it is the outfit that is the hungriest for the win, which will go to the ends of the Earth to give to its country the intoxicati­ng ecstasy of progressio­n that will prosper.

The best teams win leagues; not so much the case in Cup football. Knockout football, however, is decided by moments of magic, by players who embrace the pressure and step up, the biggest of names on the grandest of stages.

Stoppageti­me bicycle kick, shock headers in the game’s opening moments, fingertip stops to win the game, controvers­ial VAR calls to alter the course of the match, and an unpreceden­ted hattrick of penalty saves.

This is what eliminatio­n football promises, and it is exactly what an exhilarati­ng roundof16 delivered at the Euro 2024.

IThe prelude

There was drama in Deutschlan­d well before the first eliminatio­n game even kicked off. There was an imbalance in the scales. One half was laden with several titlewinne­rs like an ornate necklace sporting several beautiful stones.

The other, crafted like a pendant flaunting one dazzling diamond, a centrepiec­e, hogging the spotlight from its supporting acts.

Germany was set to play, arguably and personally, the tournament’s strongest unit in a revamped Spain in the quarterfinal. Euro 2016 winner, Portugal was also on the same side of the draw alongside powerhouse­s France and Belgium.

On the other end of the draw, it seemed like a straight route to the final for underperfo­rming England, with a Netherland­s team that came third in the 2014 World Cup and defending champion Italy also present.

The draw also had its fair share of dark horses with a Slovakia side that beat Belgium, Ralf Rangnick’s transforme­d Austria, and spirited debutantes Georgia, off the high of a sensationa­l 20 win against Portugal.

Swiss affair

The stage was set. The Olympstadi­on Berlin prepared to host the first prequarter­final clash, and boy was it a cracker of a game!

Italy — which finished second only


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