The Hindu - International

Like it or not, you’re accelerati­ng

- Vasudevan Mukunth Please send in your answers to


The Sun exerts a gravitatio­nal force on the earth. As a result, what is the value of the earth’s accelerati­on through space (in SI units)?


When an object is subjected to a constant and sustained accelerati­on, it is perceived to have weight. In the absence of this accelerati­on, if we say this object weighs 1 kg (for example), we really mean its ____. Fill in the blank.


‘g‘ stands for gravitatio­nal force equivalent. An object experienci­ng 1 g of force on the earth (at sea level along the equator) will be accelerate­d by 9.8 m/s2. What’s the threshold in terms of g beyond which a human will start to experience dizziness?


From the 1940s, the U.S. Air Force ran a series of tests to understand the effects of extreme accelerati­on on the human body. The most frequent volunteer on these tests was an officer named X, and his findings as well as the injuries he suffered informed many aspects of U.S. aerospace missions. After the tests he became known as the “fastest man on earth”. Name X.


What is the force (in terms of g) that flight recorders onboard large civilian aeroplanes are expected to be able to survive so that they can be certified for use? Answers to July 2 quiz:

1. Russian city over which a meteorite exploded in 2013

– Ans: Chelyabins­k

2. The entity whose deity among the Evenki is Agda

– Ans: Thunder

3. Russian scientist who led the 1921 and the 1927 expedition­s – Ans: Leonid Kulik

4. Name for asteroids once in the atmosphere

– Ans: Bolide

5. Occasion designated by the U.N. for June 30

– Ans: Internatio­nal Asteroid Day

Visual: Didymos

First contact: P.N. Moorthy | Arpit Kumar | K.N. Viswanatha­n

 ?? PSPARROT ?? Visual: In 2003, this Swedish racer suffered the highest gforce ever survived by a human, 214 g, during a race on the Texas Motor Speedway. Name him.
PSPARROT Visual: In 2003, this Swedish racer suffered the highest gforce ever survived by a human, 214 g, during a race on the Texas Motor Speedway. Name him.

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