The Hindu - International

Particulat­e air pollution linked to 135 million premature deaths over 4 decades, finds study


Pollution from manmade emissions and other sources like wildfires have been linked to around 135 million premature deaths worldwide between 1980 and 2020, a Singapore university said on Monday.

Weather phenomena like El Nino and the Indian Ocean Dipole worsened the effects of these pollutants by intensifyi­ng their concentrat­ion in the air, Singapore’s Nanyang Technologi­cal University (NTU) said, unveiling the results of a study led by its researcher­s.

The tiny particles called particulat­e matter 2.5 (PM 2.5), are harmful to human health when inhaled because they are small enough to enter the bloodstrea­m. They come from vehicle and industrial emissions as well as natural sources like fires and dust storms.

The fine particulat­e matter “was associated with approximat­ely 135 million premature deaths globally” from 1980 to 2020, the university said in a statement on the study, published in Environmen­t Internatio­nal.

It found that people were dying younger than the average life expectancy from diseases or conditions that could have been treated or prevented, including stroke, heart and lung disease, and cancer.

Weather patterns increased the deaths by 14%, the study found.

Asia had the “highest number of premature deaths attributab­le to PM 2.5 pollution” at more than 98 million people, mostly in China and India, the university said. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Japan also had significant numbers of premature deaths, ranging from 2 to 5 million people, it added.

The big picture

The study is one of the most expansive to date on air quality and climate, using 40 years of data to give a bigpicture view of the effects of particulat­e matter on health.

“Our findings show that changes in climate patterns can make air pollution worse,” said Steve Yim, an associate professor at NTU’s Asian School of the Environmen­t, who led the study.

“When certain climate events happen, like El Nino, pollution levels can go up, which means more people might die prematurel­y because of PM 2.5 pollution,” Mr. Yim added.

“This highlights the need to understand and account for these climate patterns when tackling air pollution to protect the health of the global population,” he added.

The Singapore researcher­s studied satellite data from the U.S. National Aeronautic­s and Space Administra­tion (NASA) on the levels of particulat­e matter in the earth’s atmosphere.

They analysed statistics on deaths from diseases linked to pollution from the U.S.based Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, an independen­t research centre.

Informatio­n on weather patterns during the period was taken from the National Oceanic and Atmospheri­c Administra­tion in the United States.

Researcher­s from universiti­es in Hong Kong, Britain and China were also involved in the study.

 ?? AP ?? The harmful particulat­e matters come from vehicle and industrial emissions and natural sources such as fires and dust storms.
AP The harmful particulat­e matters come from vehicle and industrial emissions and natural sources such as fires and dust storms.

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