The Hindu - International

BJP candidate in Odisha arrested for vandalisin­g EVM

- Satyasunda­r Barik

Prashant Jagdev, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate from Odisha’s Khordha Assembly constituen­cy, has been arrested for allegedly vandalisin­g an Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) during polling on Saturday.

Elections to Lok Sabha and Assembly seats are taking place simultaneo­usly in Odisha in four phases.

Mr. Jagdev, the sitting MLA from Chilika Assembly constituen­cy, is no stranger to controvers­y. In 2022, he allegedly tried to run over BJP cadres with his SUV when he was in the Biju Janata Dal. Several cases in connection with manhandlin­g government o“cials and political opponents are pending against him, o“cials said.

The latest incident took place when Mr. Jagadev came to booth no. 114 of Kaunripata­na under Bolagarh block in Khordha to vote and misbehaved with o“cials on poll duty.

He was booked under sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for outraging the modesty of a poll o“cial and voluntaril­y causing hurt, and the oœence of undue inžuence at elections,

Prashant Jagdev was seen manhandlin­g a woman polling sta in the webcasting system at the polling booth in Khordha on May 25, police said

among other charges. According to the police, Mr. Jagdev was seen manhandlin­g a woman polling staœ in the webcasting system at the booth. The charges levelled against him were opposed by his supporters who demanded that the CCTV footage of the incident be made public. A court later sent him to judicial custody, and at present, he is lodged at the Khorda jail, o“cials said.

Meanwhile, the o“ce of the Chief Electoral O“cer has directed the Angul District Collector to inquire about the alleged attack on BJP workers by BJD MLA Susanta Kumar Behera in Chhendipad­a Assembly constituen­cy and submit an action taken report.

There are 21 Lok Sabha constituen­cies in the State, and a 147-member Assembly. Polling for the rst three phases was held on May 13, May 20, May 25, respective­ly. The last phase will be held on June 1.

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