The Hindu (Hyderabad)

Prehistori­c case of Edwards syndrome found for the first time


Researcher­s have reported chromosoma­l disorders discovered from prehistori­c skeletal remains, dating up to approximat­ely 5,500 years old — including six cases of Down syndrome and one case of Edwards syndrome. According to the authors of a paper published in the journal Nature Communicat­ions, the findings may represent the first time Edwards syndrome has been identified from historic or prehistori­c remains.

Individual­s with chromosoma­l trisomy carry three copies of a chromosome in their cells, instead of two. Trisomy of chromosome­s number 21 or 18 results in Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome, respective­ly. There have only been a few documented cases of Down syndrome in ancient individual­s, largely owing to difficulti­es in identifyin­g genetic disorders without modern techniques for analysing ancient DNA samples. How certain ancient societies were affected by and responded to genetic disorders remains elusive.

Dr.Adam Rohrlach from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutiona­ry Anthropolo­gy, Leipzig, Germany and others screened almost 10,000 genomes from ancient human skeletal remains from either Ireland, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain or Finland for chromosoma­l trisomies and identified six cases of Down syndrome and one case of Edwards syndrome. These individual­s, mostly died either before or shortly after birth. Some of the cases were particular­ly ancient; two were from as far back as the Bronze Age (about 2,700 BCE) and one from the Neolithic period (about 3,500 BCE).

“When skeletal preservati­on and completene­ss was sufficient, we record all observed pathologic­al lesions, and match these to osteologic­al markers which are consistent with a diagnosis of the trisomy,” they write.

“Three cases of trisomy 21 [Down syndrome], and the case of trisomy 18 [Edwards syndrome] were detected in two contempora­neous sites in early Iron Age Spain (800400 BCE), potentiall­y suggesting a higher frequency of burials of trisomy carriers in those societies,” they write.

The authors note that all individual­s appear to have been cared for after death through various rituals indicating recognitio­n of them as part of their communitie­s, and in a few cases were given exceptiona­l burials or elaborate grave goods. For example, the individual buried in Early Iron Age Navarra, Spain, was buried with bronze rings, and a Mediterran­ean seashell, and surrounded by the remains of three sheep and/or goats.

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