The Hindu (Chennai)

High tea with Frida Kahlo

Recreate the world of SH Raza or Andy Warhol with stencils, stickers and paneer

- Ananyaa Desikan

Last month, a group of 10 art enthusiast­s sporting pop art-inspired outts and headbands, got together at Hotel Savera in Mylapore for a soiree. When artist and furniture designer Ansaline Sruthi, the host of this paint party, said it was time to pick up the brush, the gathering grew thoughtful, interpreti­ng Andy Warhol’s art. They painted lter co ee instead of the iconic painting involving Coca-Cola bottles; and Aishwarya Rai instead of Marilyn Monroe.

Sruthi has been curating these monthly thematic paint parties in Chennai since the beginning of the year. Each gathering is a celebratio­n of a renowned artist whose work serves as inspiratio­n for the evening’s festivitie­s.

Attendees are not only treated to an painting experience but also indulge in a specially curated menu that pays homage to the featured artist’s cultural in uences and personal preference­s.

“Chennai has a lot of art enthusiast­s who feel intimidate­d to paint amidst others who are more profession­ally skilled. At these paint parties, they get to learn about famous artists like

Salvador Dali or Andy Warhol and paint their own interpreta­tions of their work without any insecuriti­es,” says Sruthi.

Painting the greats

The rst artist to be featured was SH Raza, who is known for his geometric, abstract paintings. This session was followed by Dali in February whose meditative rose became the primary focus. Next came Frida Kahlo’s self-expression­ist work with bold colours.

“I provide the participan­ts with all the supplies needed, from colours to brushes and sometimes even stencils or carbon paper. It is not as intimidati­ng to recreate the work of Raza because it was primarily geometric patterns. But in the case of Dali or Warhol, I provide stencils and stickers. For Frida Kahlo, we looked at what her art meant, which is self expression, and the participan­ts put their own identities on the canvas,” she explains.

Among the line drawings and cutouts provided in the Andy Warhol edition, Rajinikant­h’s image became the most popular pick. To go along with the theme, Chef Jesu Lambert from Savera sent in chicken and paneer sliders, fried chicken, and a mac and cheese.

“For the Raza edition we served Indian food, the Dali edition had a lovely Spanish spread and for Frida, we had bold Mexican bites. I usually recommend that my participan­ts dress up,” shares Sruthi.

While these parties are conducted in an elaborate fashion with a paid entry and di erent pre-booked venues only 10-15 participan­ts can take part in one edition. The next artist to be featured is Katsushika Hokusai with special focus on his iconic The Great Wave o Kanagawa on May 25.

If you wish to participat­e, contact Ansaline Sruthi at 6374902909. Entry is ₹4,500.

Among the line drawings and cutouts provided in the Andy Warhol edition, Rajinikant­h’s image became the most popular pick.

 ?? SPECIAL ARRANGEMEN­T ?? Imitation is flattery (Left) Enthusiast­ic participan­ts at the art soiree; (below) host Ansaline Sruthi; and food at the event.
SPECIAL ARRANGEMEN­T Imitation is flattery (Left) Enthusiast­ic participan­ts at the art soiree; (below) host Ansaline Sruthi; and food at the event.
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