The Hindu (Chennai)

Courts alone are not the answer to every dispute, says former judge of Punjab HC


Former judge of the Punjab and Haryana High Court K. Kannan, on Wednesday said that courts are not really the answer to every dispute.

Participat­ing in a discussion on the recentlyla­unched book Cauvery – A Long-winded Dispute,

The Hindu

in 1806. Photograph­s, portraying the involvemen­t of a large number of workers during the constructi­on of dams, bonhomie between Chief Ministers of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka M.G.Ramachandr­an and Ramakrishn­a Hegde and the mood of anger during a bandh, had been carefully chosen. The Cauvery was not just about water, people were emotionall­y connected to it.

Recalling what former Chief Minister Jayalalith­aa said about the river dispute: Tamil Nadu is not the drainage canal for Karnataka, Mr. Kannan explained about the lower riparian State’s right over the river water, as the land under cultivatio­n had always been larger here in Tamil Nadu.

Expressing concern over the ecological imbalance in the river basin, Mr. Ramakrishn­an said the issue of denudation of vegetation in the basin over the years, indiscrimi­nate pollution and excessive mining of river sand had to be addressed e¥ectively and in these matters, there was no con¦ict between the States.

Matter of concern

P.R.Pandian, president, Coordinati­on Committee of All Farmers’ Associatio­ns, V. Sathyanara­nan, General Secretary, Consortium of Cauvery Delta Farmers and K.V. Elnkeeran, president, Federation of Farmers’ Organisati­ons in the Delta, said their main concern was that the issue should not be politicise­d and that they were always willing for discussion­s with their Karnataka counterpar­t. PII’s Director, Sashi Nair, said that the Cauvery dispute had been going on for many years now and it was a sensitive issue. Mediation may be the best way forward.

 ?? M. SRINATH ?? Former judge of Punjab and Haryana High Court K. Kannan, author and senior journalist T. Ramakrishn­an and farmers at a discussion in Chennai on Wednesday.
M. SRINATH Former judge of Punjab and Haryana High Court K. Kannan, author and senior journalist T. Ramakrishn­an and farmers at a discussion in Chennai on Wednesday.

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