The Hindu (Bangalore)

Include access to washrooms, safeguards against misbehavio­ur in Bill, say women gig workers


As the Karnataka government readies the Karnataka Platform-based Gig Workers (Social Security and Welfare) Bill, women workers with ride-hailing apps and on-demand home services companies have highlighte­d the need to include provisions that take into account the female workforce.

Speaking at the Karnataka Gig and Platform Workers’ Convention held in Bengaluru on Wednesday, several women workers demanded that the Bill should include provisions ensuring access to public washroom facilities and safeguards against misbehavio­ur from customers.

“Often, women have to take care of things at home along with the work. If some emergency comes up and we decline a few gigs, the platforms block us,” said Manisha, who works with one of the ondemand home service companies.

No toilet access

Selvi, who works with the same company, noted that workers often do not get the time for food breaks, and are denied toilet access. On top of this, women workers who provide services at the homes of customers quite often face inappropri­ate behaviour from the latter. According to her, while the aggregator­s are quick to act on complaints from customers, most often they pay no heed to such grievances of female workers.

Prabhavati, who is a driver with a cab aggregator, pointed out that the lack of access to clean public washrooms is a huge problem for women drivers.


Mamatha, All-India Unorganise­d Workers and Employees’ Congress national coordinato­r, said that as part of the feedback to the draft Bill, it has been suggested that the aggregator­s should insist on customers signing an agreement before being provided home services, as a check against misbehavio­ur towards workers. “This way the company also becomes responsibl­e for the rights and safety of women workers,” she said.

At the event conducted to raise awareness among the gig workers of the State about the draft Bill, former Rajya Sabha member Rajeev Gowda, Additional Labour Commission­er Manjunath G., Indian Federation of App-based Transport Workers national president Shaik Salauddin, Karnataka App-based Drivers Union head Mohammad Inayat Ali, and activists Nikhil Dey, Rakshita Swamy, and Chandan Kumar spoke.

Noting that the draft Bill is a result of 18 rounds of discussion­s over a year with trade unions, civil society organisati­ons, gig workers, aggregator­s, and think tanks, Mr. Manjunath said the government was committed to ensuring the dignity of labour for gig workers.

Mr. Ali, who alleged that several attempts are being made to stall the Bill, told The Hindu on the sides of the event that the union would oppose all such efforts and hold protests if the Bill does not go through.

 ?? FILE PHOTO ?? Karnataka Gig and Platform Workers’ Convention was held in Bengaluru on Wednesday.
FILE PHOTO Karnataka Gig and Platform Workers’ Convention was held in Bengaluru on Wednesday.

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