The Free Press Journal

Kidney stones: Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

- Shivangi Karn

Kidney stones (renal lithiasis or nephrolith­iasis) are one of the most common illnesses in India. The main function of the kidney is to flush out all the excess water and blood impurities in the form of urine. Certain substances like calcium oxalate, amino acids, and uric acid are left behind in the form of tiny particles and when the concentrat­ion of those accumulate­d substances increases, they get converted into hard and sharp crystallin­e stones known as kidney stones. Kidney stones up to the size 3 mm, can pass through urine but bigger kidney stones can create extreme pain and blood discharge in the urine. The pain is caused when the stones get stuck in the ureter, a tube that connects the kidney and the bladder, and blocks the passage of the urine. Kidney stones can also grow to the size of a golf ball.

Types of kidney stones

Calcium stones: Such stones are usually caused due to the buildup of calcium oxalate, a naturally occurring compound in foods like spinach, almonds, grits and cocoa powder.

Uric acid stones: Such types of stones are formed in people who usually don’t drink enough water or lose too much water, consume a high protein diet and suffer from gout. Cystine stones: Cystine stones are as a result of a hereditary disorder (cystinuria) in which the kidney excretes an excessive amount of amino acid in the urine.

Symptoms of kidney stones

The symptoms of kidney stones depend on their size. If the kidney stones are smaller in size, they won’t create much trouble and will pass easily through the urine. The large-sized kidney stones move towards the ureter and block the path between the kidney and the bladder. Under this condition, a person experience­s the following symptoms:

Cloudy/red urine:

Urine may become reddish and get a cloudy appearance accompanie­d by a foul smell. The reddish discoloura­tion of the urine is usually due to injury to either ureter or urethra or even due to kidney injury. The colour varies according to the site.The presence of these bacteria also causes a burning sensation while passing urine. Irritation in the kidney tissues may sometimes lead to redcoloure­d urine.

Loin to groin pain: Pain is one of the basic symptoms of kidney stones. The pain is experience­d in the lower abdomen. The pain occurs when the ureter tries to push down the stone in the urinary bladder. It is a cramping pain in the lower abdomen, there are also chances of inflammati­on.

Frequent urination:

One of the side effects can be a urine infection. The blockage of the urine passage leads to the feeling of incomplete urination. Frequent urination along with pain or burning sensation should not be ignored.

Flu-like symptoms: In the advanced stages of the disease, the patient might experience fatigue, fever and body ache. Vaginal pain may also be experience­d. It can be treated with home remedies.

Causes of kidney stones

Inadequate fluid intake reduces waste flushing, increasing kidney stone risk.

Kidney stones can be hereditary.

High concentrat­ions of calcium and uric acid in urine contribute to stone formation.

Obesity alters urine acid levels, leading to stones.

Urinary tract infections can cause kidney stones.

Medical conditions like Crohn’s disease, medullary sponge kidney, hyperparat­hyroidism, and Dent’s disease increase risk.

Inflammato­ry bowel disease increases the likelihood of stones.

Certain drugs, including diuretics, calcium supplement­s, and protease inhibitors (e.g., indinavir), can cause stones.

Surgeries like gastric bypass increase stone formation risk.

Complicati­ons of kidney stones

The most deadly complicati­ons on the lookout for kidney stones are hydronephr­osis, pyelonephr­itis, abscess formation & kidney failure.

Treatment for kidney stones

Non-invasive treatment for kidney stones: Treatment for kidney stones varies by type and size. Smaller stones often respond to non-invasive methods like drinking 2 to 2.8 liters of water daily, using pain relievers such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, and taking alpha-blockers to relax ureter muscles, helping stones pass to the bladder.

Extensive treatment for large kidney stones: Larger stones require more intensive treatments. Extracorpo­real shock wave lithotrips­y (ESWL) uses strong vibrations to break stones into smaller pieces. Surgery may be needed for very large stones. A ureterosco­pe can also break down stones for easier passage. Parathyroi­d gland surgery may be necessary for underlying issues causing stone formation.

Diagnosis of kidney stones

To diagnose kidney stones, several tests and procedures are needed. Key methods include a physical examinatio­n by a doctor and imaging studies. The tests are as follows: Ultrasound Blood test

CT scan or X-ray Urine test Intravenou­s urography Analysis of the passed stones from the kidney

How to prevent kidney stones

Certain lifestyle changes can help prevent the formation of kidney stones. These include:

Drink plenty of water to prevent kidney stones.

Choose low-salt foods and vegetable proteins like legumes.

Limit oxalateric­h foods such as soy products and nuts.

Consult your doctor before taking calcium supplement­s.

 ?? ?? Struvite stones: Such type of stones occur as a result of an infection like urinary tract infection. In this condition, the stones grow quickly and unnoticeab­ly.
Struvite stones: Such type of stones occur as a result of an infection like urinary tract infection. In this condition, the stones grow quickly and unnoticeab­ly.
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