The Free Press Journal

Bhujbal wants riots to happen in Maha: Jarange

MARATHA RESERVATIO­N | War of words continues


Maratha quota activist Manoj Jarange on Monday accused Maharashtr­a Minister of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Chhagan Bhujbal of using provocativ­e language intended to incite a rift between Marathas and OBCs, potentiall­y triggering riots.

"If he wants riots to happen in the state, the Maratha community should also remain alert," Jarange said while addressing a press conference from a private hospital in Chhatrapat­i Sambhajina­gar.

Jarange announced that the next steps for the Maratha quota agitation will be determined after July 13.

"The Maratha community is now in trouble while I am left alone. But I will fight back and ensure that the Maratha community gets reservatio­n under the OBC category," he said.

Manoj Jarange announced that the next steps for the Maratha quota agitation will be determined after July 13

This remark comes amid escalating tensions over the quota issue following a hunger strike by OBC leaders that galvanised various backward classes and prompted government interventi­on.

Maharashtr­a is experienci­ng polarisati­on as the Maratha community demands inclusion under the OBC grouping for reservatio­ns in government jobs and education.

Jarange has been leading protests, demanding that all Marathas and their blood relatives be issued Kunbi certificat­es, enabling them to claim OBC quotas. Meanwhile, OBCs are rallying around Bhujbal to safeguard the existing quota.

"Chhagan Bhujbal has made provocativ­e statements in Pune. Bhujbal said figurative­ly 'Keep your rusted swords ready,' but his statement implies he wants riots to happen in Maharashtr­a and divide communitie­s. I appeal to the Maratha community to remain alert," Jarange said. He noted that state minister Shambhuraj Desai has requested Maratha protesters to wait until July 13.

"We will decide about the next strategy after July 13," he added. Jarange also urged members of the Maratha community to participat­e in rallies organised next month to raise awareness about their right to claim reservatio­n under the OBC grouping.

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