The Free Press Journal

CR GM inspects Lonavala-Pune section

- Staff Reporter

Ram Karan Yadav, General Manager, Central Railway, inspected the Lonavala-PuneLonava­la section of the Pune Division recently. On this occasion, Divisional Railway Manager Indu Dubey and other officers were present.

Yadav observed all the technical aspects of the LonavalaPu­ne down and up routes, including the rail track, electrical overhead equipment, condition of bridges, and signal system.

In Pune, he inspected the diesel loco shed at Ghorpadi and inaugurate­d the solar power panel plant with a capacity of 647 kW. A total of 1,188 solar panels have been installed over an area of 6,500 square meters on the roof of the diesel loco shed. Approximat­ely 9.44 lakh kW of electricit­y will be generated by these panels annually, matching the annual electricit­y consumptio­n of the diesel loco shed, which is 9.46 lakh kW, resulting in ₹52 lakh savings.

The solar panels will also help to reduce 18,122 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year. The panels is environmen­tally friendly and equivalent to planting 39,805 trees.

Yadav also inspected the Pune running room and crew booking lobby, reviewing the arrangemen­ts. He thoroughly inspected the yoga hall, meditation room, healthy and clean dining room and kitchen, and separate facilities for women loco pilots in the running room. He expressed satisfacti­on with the facilities provided to the loco pilots' team by the loco operation branch through continuous improvemen­t work, better management, and innovative thinking. The General Manager instructed all the officers to pay special attention to the safety of passengers and the facilities provided to the passengers.

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