The Free Press Journal

Cracked heels

Simple tips to prevent

- Chandana Rao

Do you feel self-conscious to wear stylish shoes and flaunt your feet, because you have cracked heels? Are you looking for natural ways to prevent cracked heels? If yes, then you have come to the right place! Cracked heels can be a completely undesirabl­e condition, as it can deteriorat­e the health of your feet and also make them look unattracti­ve! If cracked heels are not treated at the right time, the condition may worsen, making your feet prone to a number of infections. The causes for cracked heels can be various, for example, poor nutrition, lack of a proper feet care routine, exposure to dirt and pollution, etc. Cracked heels can make a person feel extreme discomfort, as it can cause irritation, flaking and itching. Drinking too little water can also lead to cracked heels in some people, as their body is dehydrated. Natural skin packs and herbal remedies for cracked heels always work better and are more cost-effective, compared to going to a dermatolog­ist. So, if you want to know some natural and simple tips to prevent cracked heels, have a look below.

Use a footwear even at home

Walking barefoot, outside or at home or while you are exercising can lead to the damage of the skin under your feet, leading to cracked heels, fungal diseases that affect the feet, etc. So, it is advisable to use a comfortabl­e pair of footwear at all times and preferably socks when you go out!

Use the right footwear

Many a times, people use footwear which is of the wrong size, either too small or too large than the actual size of their feet, this habit can also lead to cracked heels, as moving about in wrong footwear can cause feet soreness and tissue damage.

Practice feet exercise

There are many foot exercises that you can practice in order to prevent and even reduce cracked heels, as exercising can improve the blood flow to the feet, reduces inflammati­on and cracks. Feet rotation is one such exercise that can be of great help.

Feet massages

If you are looking for a natural home remedy to prevent cracked feet, then you can try foot massages using essential oils. By massaging your feet everyday, you will improve the blood flow to the region and also make the skin softer, thus preventing cracks.

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