The Free Press Journal

Billy & Molly steal hearts at Mumbai Int’l Film Festival

- Staff Reporter

For the first time, the Mumbai Internatio­nal Film Festival (MIFF) extended its screenings beyond the confines of the Maximum City. This initiative aimed to bring world-class documentar­ies, short fiction, and animation films to a broader audience.

In Pune, the inaugural MIFF red carpet event took place at the NFDC-National Film Archive of India (NFDC-NFAI) on Thursday, attracting cinephiles and dignitarie­s from the region despite heavy rain.

Esteemed filmmakers Jabbar Patel and Pran Kishore Kaul graced the red carpet, adding gravitas to the evening. Their presence underscore­d MIFF's commitment to celebratin­g cinematic excellence and fostering a vibrant film culture across India.

The evening's highlight was the screening of the festival's opening film, 'Billy and Molly: An Otter Love Story.' The National Geographic

documentar­y delves deep into the workings of the human (and otter) heart, becoming a meditation on what it means to give and receive love, and questionin­g the limits of how far one can or should go in its pursuit.

After the screening, Patel thanked the NFDC for the invitation and said, "'Billy and Molly' is a fantastic documentar­y that captures the emotions between a childless man and an otter. The cinematogr­aphy enhances the cinematic experience even more. The decision to hold MIFF screenings outside of Mumbai was a step in the right direction."

The documentar­y received a huge round of applause at the end of the screening. Arif Shaikh, a Pune-based engineer who attended the screening, remarked, "Despite the movie being about a man and an otter, it had a lot to say about our lives too. The subtle message about being trapped in mundane everyday things and the need to break free was beautifull­y highlighte­d. I loved it and will surely watch it again."

Despite the movie being about a man and an otter, it had a lot to say about our lives too - Arif Shaikh, Engineer

 ?? ?? A still from 'Billy and Molly: An Otter Love Story'
A still from 'Billy and Molly: An Otter Love Story'

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