The Free Press Journal

12 dogs rescued from illegal shelter in Thane

Shelter operator claimed to supply dogs to security agencies; canines kept in cages without basic amenities

- Dhairya Gajara

Several non-government­al organisati­ons collaborat­ed with the Thane police to rescue dogs from an unauthoris­ed establishm­ent. Twelve dogs, including ten foreign breeds, were found held captive for commercial purposes without basic amenities in Hariom Nagar, Thane East.

On Friday, volunteers from Citizens for Animal Protection Foundation (CAP) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) conducted the raid. The dogs were kept in depriving conditions. PETA had alerted the animal welfare officer appointed by the Bombay High Court, prompting a CAP volunteer to visit the shelter disguised as a customer.

According to the activists, the operator of the illegal shelter claimed to supply dogs to security agencies but kept them in cages without basic amenities. The dogs were not provided sufficient water and were given stale food, with inadequate light and ventilatio­n. After reporting these conditions to PETA, the volunteers decided to conduct a raid with

the police.

Sashank Tomar, an animal welfare officer, told the Free

Press Journal, “We had to delay the raid due to rain, but we received a video showing the dogs struggling in the rain. We could not let the dogs live in such pathetic conditions, so we decided to visit immediatel­y.”

The dogs include Labradors, Rottweiler­s, Shih Tzus, Belgian Shepherds, and two Indie dogs. The operator later surrendere­d the dogs after the activists offered not to file an animal cruelty complaint against him. The canines were sent to the Kalote Animal Trust shelter, while three were sent to CAP for treatment. Two Indie dogs had jaundice, and another dog showed aggression due to the poor living conditions.

“The rescued dogs included many high-maintenanc­e foreign breeds that require extensive care. Instead, they were deprived of basic amenities.

Establishm­ents like these are illegal, and no one can handle live animals without the proper permission­s and licenses from the relevant authoritie­s,” said Tomar.

Dogs included many foreign breeds that require extensive care. They were deprived of basic amenities

Sashank Tomar Animal welfare officer

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