The Free Press Journal

Paint sector in India will double by FY27 to 7.8 bn litre per annum

- ANI / Mumbai

The organized paints sector in India is on the cusp of significan­t expansion, with production capacity expected to nearly double to about 7.8 billion litres per annum (blpa) by fiscal 2027, as per CRISIL report.

According to a press release, this surge will be fuelled by investment­s amounting to around Rs 19,000 crore, including significan­t contributi­ons from a new major player entering the market.

However, heightened competitio­n and increased marketing expenses are likely to impact profitabil­ity in the sector.

A substantia­l portion of the new capacity, approximat­ely 2.4 blpa, is anticipate­d to become operationa­l within the current fiscal year, with the new entrant alone adding 1.3 blpa.

This expansion is predominan­tly within the decorative segment, which represents 75-80 per cent of total production.

The sector is poised to continue its healthy volume growth trajectory of 10-15 per cent annually, consistent with past trends. However, the influx of new capacities is expected to intensify competitio­n for market share.

This increased competitio­n is likely to drive manufactur­ers to adopt aggressive pricing strategies to attract customers and maximize the utilizatio­n of their expanded capacities, particular­ly in the value segment, which accounts for over half of the total revenue.

Consequent­ly, overall revenue growth is forecasted to moderate to 7-10 per cent this fiscal year.

Moreover, operating profitabil­ity is projected to decline to 15-17 per cent, influenced by increased marketing expenditur­es and pressure on product realizatio­ns. Despite these challenges, capital expenditur­e (capex) will be managed through a combinatio­n of cash flows, debt, and surplus liquidity, ensuring that the sector can sustain its growth ambitions.

The credit profiles of existing manufactur­ers are expected to remain stable due to their robust financial health, characteri­zed by nearly debt-free balance sheets and substantia­l liquidity reserves, equivalent to about one-fourth of their net worth. This financial stability will enable them to weather the competitiv­e pressures. A study of six firms, which account for roughly 90 per cent of the organized sector's gross sales of approximat­ely Rs 70,000 crore, supports this optimistic outlook.

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