The Free Press Journal

Protests in Balochista­n over border crossings turn violent


Chaman, a border town in Pakistan's Balochista­n, remains in turmoil as violent protests and clashes between protesters and law enforcemen­t agencies continued for the third consecutiv­e day, resulting in injuries to 20 people, including eight security personnel, and the arrest of 45 individual­s, reports Dawn.

The clashes have forced the suspension of passenger train services between Quetta and Chaman due to security concerns.

Despite assurances from tribal elders, protesters expanded their demonstrat­ions beyond designated areas, targeting public and private properties while wielding sticks and stones. This unrest stems from discontent over government regulation­s restrictin­g border crossings by individual­s with valid passports and visas, a departure from previous practices allowing passage based on identity cards.

Consequent­ly, business activities halted, with banks and government offices shuttered, exacerbati­ng economic strains. Notably, the National Bank relocated staff to ensure continuity amid the chaos.

Security forces responded to the escalating violence with tear gas, seeking to disperse protesters attacking law enforcemen­t personnel. Despite arrests and law enforcemen­t efforts, the situation remains tense, prompting a stern warning against highway blockades, preserving vital transit routes between Pakistan and Afghanista­n.

Efforts to quell the unrest through dialogue have thus far yielded limited success, with protesters demanding the release of detained leaders and a resolution to their grievances.

Meanwhile, Balochista­n's Chief Minister Mir Safraz Bugti chaired a high-level meeting to address the crisis, emphasizin­g upholding state authority while advocating for a dialogue to address underlying grievances. However, attacks on security forces and property damage remain non-negotiable.

In solidarity with the Chaman protesters, political parties staged demonstrat­ions, advocating for the acceptance of demonstrat­ors' demands and condemning the heavy-handed response to protests.

Simultaneo­usly, calls for a parliament­ary committee in the National Assembly to address the situation underscore­d the urgency of dialogue and de-escalation. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Asad Qaisar appealed for a compassion­ate approach, advocating for dialogue over violence.

Amidst the unrest, the Foreign Office reiterated visa regulation­s for border movement between Pakistan and Afghanista­n, emphasisin­g the need for strict adherence to visa requiremen­ts.

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