The Free Press Journal

New immigratio­n policy

Biden administra­tion adopts Trump-era immigratio­n policies amidst criticism


President Joe Biden is facing significan­t backlash for adopting immigratio­n policies that closely resemble those of his predecesso­r, Donald Trump. Despite campaign promises to reverse Trump’s stringent immigratio­n measures, recent actions indicate a continuati­on of some of these controvers­ial tactics.

Key orders and policies Continuati­on of title 42 expulsions:

President Biden has continued to use Title 42, a public health order initially invoked by Trump to expel migrants quickly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The administra­tion defends this policy as essential for public health, but it has faced extensive criticism for contributi­ng to human rights abuses and not effectivel­y deterring repeated border crossings.

Executive Order on Asylum Restrictio­ns: Biden is reportedly considerin­g an executive order to limit asylum claims for those who cross the border illegally. This policy mirrors a Trumpera rule that was previously struck down by federal courts. Critics argue that such a measure violates internatio­nal law and undermines the right to seek asylum, which is protected regardless of how migrants enter the country.

Increased aylum screening standards:

The administra­tion has raised the standards for initial asylum screenings, requiring migrants to demonstrat­e a higher likelihood of qualifying for asylum. This change aims to reduce the backlog in immigratio­n courts but has been criticized for potentiall­y endangerin­g those with legitimate claims who cannot immediatel­y provide sufficient evidence.

Expansion of expedited removal processes:

Biden’s policies include expanding the expedited removal process, which allows for the swift deportatio­n of individual­s without proper documentat­ion. This approach is intended to manage the influx of migrants more efficientl­y but has been criticized for limiting due process and potentiall­y deporting individual­s who might have valid asylum claims.

Legislativ­e measures for migrant detention:

In an effort to gain bipartisan support, the administra­tion has agreed to legislativ­e proposals that mandate the detention of migrants and restrict the Department of Homeland Security’s ability to release them. This measure has raised human rights concerns, particular­ly regarding the conditions in detention centers and the treatment of detained migrants.

Backlash and criticism: Human rights organizati­ons, immigratio­n advocates, and progressiv­e lawmakers have strongly criticized these policies. They argue that these measures create fear and suffering among vulnerable migrant population­s and violate both U.S. and internatio­nal laws regarding asylum rights.

Critics within the Democratic Party, such as Rep. Pramila Jayapal and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have expressed disappoint­ment, urging the administra­tion to lead with "dignity and humanity" instead of adopting policies from the Trump administra­tion’s "playbook."

The Biden administra­tion contends that these policies are necessary to effectivel­y manage border security and address the surge of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. However, the ongoing debate highlights the complex and contentiou­s nature of U.S. immigratio­n policy and the challenges of balancing enforcemen­t with humanitari­an principles.

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