The Free Press Journal

How does Vaastu work?

A simple way to understand this age-old Indian discipline

- Dr Harshit Kapadia (Dr Harshit Kapadia is a metaphysic­s consultant of Conscious Vaastu, Yuen Hom and Sam Hap Style of Feng Shui)

In this article, I want to share a very interestin­g story to which many of you might relate. There was a client we were introduced to, who is into very large business living with his family in a super large independen­t house. Somehow, the family was passing through challengin­g and turbulent times. The business started suffering, there were health and relationsh­ip issues in the family and a major financial crunch which they had never seen in their lives.

Due to this difficult situation, this gentleman started going to various Astrologer­s, Vaastu, Feng Shui practition­ers, etc. He started implementi­ng what each one of them told him. He was so desperate that he wanted to try everything that someone mentioned, thinking that he would be able to reverse the situation by implementi­ng various remedies and suggestion­s. But his situation only became more and more difficult regardless of what he did in his house as well as in his office.

As days passed his anxiety levels only went up. He was constantly searching for some or the other resource that could help him in solving all his problems. He was so desperate that he was also ready to sell off the property, thinking that all his problems were because of Vaastu's defects.

Through one of our clients, we were introduced to him. On visiting his house, we were amused to see the varieties of trinkets, expensive objects and various tools used in different locations of the home. A glance around the house made it literally look and feel like an art studio.

On having a detailed conversati­on with him and his family, we noticed that they had wholeheart­edly implemente­d diverse philosophi­es and ideas to come out of their tough situation but nothing helped.

One should understand the reason for this. Vaastu and Feng Shui have various schools of thoughts and methodolog­ies. Each school of thought works with a certain understand­ing. Desperate situations and fear make people try various techniques. Applying too many things in one space confuses and messes up the energy. Applying the Vaastu solution does not solve the problems or difficulti­es, similarly, a property does not lead to problems.

Let’s elaborate this with an example:

There is a road, a car and a driver. The quality of the road is not in our hands, this is beyond our control. The road relates to the times through which we are passing. The quality of a car relates to the property that we possess, and the driver correspond­s to our energy. The type of car can be ordinary or luxury, what is important is to maintain that car properly so that it can drive through varieties of terrain. What is utmost important is the energy of the driver.

If the driver’s energy is great, he could drive the car appropriat­ely as per the condition of the road and the potential of the car. If the driver’s energy is low, even a luxury car provided to him may not give the best performanc­e. If a person is passing through a rough patch like mentioned in the above example what is most important is to service the car and uplift as well as maintain the energy of the driver so that he can drive through skilfully with minimal hassle.

Vaastu is about servicing the car, and understand­ing the quality of the road Vaastu helps in deciding things like the amount of tyre pressure, fuel, oil level, etc, that means based on the occupant’s date of birth, Vaastu helps in understand­ing which area of the space requires balancing. The ultimate thing is to uplift the energy of the driver which is Conscious Vaastu. The approach of Conscious Vaastu integrates simple ways to balance the space and ways to uplift personal energy.

In the above example, the client was advised a few simple things:

He was recommende­d to focus only

on one system in which he had strong faith and trust, one which connected with him.

His family was briefed on the understand­ing of Conscious Vaastu wherein we strongly recommende­d he uplift his energy by simply using certain areas of the house actively and work on improving his skillset.

After he started activating the space energy, in a few weeks he was able to see his problems from a completely different perspectiv­e. There were no more problems for him. These became like a jigsaw puzzle which he enjoyed solving on his own with grace.

Using the correct Vaastu strategies helps in balancing the space energy. Integratio­n of your energy plays the most important role in navigating through various situations.

Start loving your space irrespecti­ve of its Vaastu.

Avoid installing unnecessar­y fear.

Avoid implementi­ng too many things as it confuses the energy.

Find out the most peaceful space in your property wherein you feel the best energy personally. Spend your time there and work on improving your skill set.

One needs to think beyond Vaastu. In the next article, we shall discuss air energy and Conscious Vaastu.

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