The Free Press Journal

1st official meet between...


Discussion­s focused on safety, security and early return of Indian nationals stranded in Afghanista­n. The travel of Afghan nationals, especially minorities, who wish to visit India, also came up.” Ambassador Mittal raised India's concern Afghanista­n's soil should not be used for anti-Indian activities and terrorism. The Taliban representa­tive assured the Ambassador these issues would be positively addressed.

India believes Haqqani network, which has deep linkages with Pakistan spy agency ISI and India-centric terror outfits such as Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaishe-Mohammed, may use its proximity and participat­ion in the Taliban government against India. India has so far maintained that it will wait and watch the evolving situation in Afghanista­n; however, this can be seen as the first official contact between India and Taliban leadership. India is yet to share its official position on recognitio­n of the Taliban. Afghanista­n can’t shelter...

The Council adopted the resolution proposed by

France, the UK and the US, with 13 Council members voting in favour, and Russia and China abstaining. This was the first resolution adopted by the Council on the situation in Afghanista­n following the takeover of Kabul by the Taliban and came on the penultimat­e day of India's Presidency of the Security Council for the month of August.

Reaffirmin­g its strong commitment to the sovereignt­y, independen­ce, territoria­l integrity and national unity of Afghanista­n, the resolution “condemns in the strongest terms the deplorable attacks” of August 26 near the Hamid Karzai Internatio­nal Airport in Kabul for which the Islamic State in Khorasan Province, an entity affiliated with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Da'esh), claimed responsibi­lity and which resulted in deaths and injuries of over 300 civilians and 28 military personnel. The UNSC resolution took note of the Taliban's condemnati­on of the attack. —PTI

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