The Free Press Journal

Here’s to healthy ageing

Combating old-age problems isn’t a cake walk. From affecting physical as well as your mental well-being such issues can impact everyday life. Know how self-healing techniques can do the needful


Old age! For most people, living a long life is a thoughtful goal. Indeed, it is even possible to naturally live beyond a 100. Living a long life is one thing, but what is more important is living a long, healthy life. One may follow any diet or health regimen, the body is programmed to decay, and age throws up several curveballs. It is said we programme ourselves to age, and that may be true. Our habits in the younger years ultimately decide how we naturally age. A visit to the hospital for an elder is almost a given, but it is not only expensive but now in the pandemic even very dangerous. Here are a few common ailments that come with age, and I have listed ways of regulating them. If under medical advice, please consult your doctor before attempting any of these protocols even though they complement the healing process safely.

Lu 5, Lu 9, Lu 10, ND 3, Liv 2, H 5, H 7, K 7, UB 54, Sp 6, GV 20, GV 26. One who has been reading my articles will surely know as to how to trace these meridians. But for new readers, to make the explanatio­n short and simple, there are 14 meridians running through our body. The position of these points on hand, are given in the figures. These points are based on the research done by the Institute of Acupressur­e and Holistic Healing, Allahabad.

Method: Take a Jimmy / Probe or a pencil with its lead point broken and smoothened. Without applying much pressure move the blunt point on the skin of fingers and toes. The affected point will be very painful. Stimulate it by turning it clockwise and anticlockw­ise for a minute or two. One will generally feel some relief instantly. Paste tiny Byol magnets for about eight hours preferably before sleeping. If the point has an arrow up, please use a magnet with yellow side touching skin and if arrow down then the white side touches skin. The points are to be stimulated three to four times in a day, and magnets to be applied at night. Repeat the treatment till the problem is over.

Age related Macular degenerati­on causes loss of central vision. Treat: Lu 9

Anger: Emotions have physiologi­cal effects—they lead to an increase in the level of cortisol in your bloodstrea­m that can affect your health. Anger is associated with poor health in older people. Treat: Liv 2

Aphasia: Aphasia gets in the way of a person’s ability to communicat­e, but it doesn’t impair intelligen­ce. People who have aphasia may have a hard time speaking and finding the 'right' words to complete their thoughts. They may also have problems understand­ing conversati­on, reading and comprehend­ing written words, writing words, and using numbers. People with aphasia may also repeat words or phrases. Treat: H5 Slouching: It may not be the easiest thing in the world to get back into the straight-backed posture of youth, but it can be done. But first, here are a few things to think about:

1. Your muscles may have already adapted to that bentover posture, so it may take effort and constant awareness to retrain them.

2. The posture may be caused by collapsing of some of the spinal vertebrae, which often occurs painlessly as we age. That will require you to strengthen the muscles around the spine to keep the back in an upright position. A physio therapist can help you learn the right exercises.

3. Getting rid of the “old folks” posture is something that must become second nature, because you’ll have to work on it for the rest of your life.

For the muscles you’ll need to work on: Two thick columns of muscles, one on each side of the spine, are the most important when it comes to retaining or regaining an upright position. These are the spinal erectors, whose job is, not so surprising­ly, keeping the spine erect. Treat: GV 20

Cognitive impairment: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is the stage between the expected cognitive decline of normal ageing and the more serious decline of dementia. If you have mild cognitive impairment, you may be aware that your memory or mental function has 'slipped'. But these changes aren't severe enough to significan­tly interfere with your daily life. Treat: GV 20

Decreased blood flow to the brain: In old age, cerebral blood flow (CBF) decreases along with the amount of brain tissue. CBF and its regulation is influenced by diseases prevailing in old age — dementia, atheroscle­rosis, diabetes, stroke and hypertensi­on. Hypertensi­on, apart from being a risk factor for stroke, causes adaptive cerebral vascular changes, leading to a shift of the lower limit of auto regulation towards high pressure, with an impaired tolerance to pressure decrease. In old age, this adaptation may not be reversible. With this background, a conservati­ve approach to elderly hypertensi­ve patients is suggested, aimed at some reduction of pressure but carefully avoiding over treatment. Treat: GV 26

(The Free Press Journal along with the Lions Club of Mumbai ACTION would like to guide people on how to treat self through non-invasive, therapies like Sujok, Ayurvedic Acupressur­e and Mudra Yoga. This is complement­ary and will not override the treatment given by doctor. Please share your problems by writing to us at; lionsclubo­ You can also share the problem on WhatsApp at 9323178565.)

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Prof. G B Luthria

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