The Free Press Journal

Re-exams for Class 9 subjects leaves less time to study for boards, say parents


Some students of Victoria High School in Mahim, and their parents, say they are in a quandary after the school initially sent a message saying that students of one Class 9 section had been promoted to Class 10, but a few days later, sent another message saying those who have failed to clear subjects in Class 9 would have to sit for re-exams when school reopens. According to parents, the message said that students would be promoted to standard 10 if they scored well in the re-exams.

Parents question how students will be able to focus on syllabi for both Class 9 and 10 together, especially when they have already started preparatio­ns for their board exams. The parents stated that in such a case, there will be much less time left for students to prepare for their board exams and their focus will be disturbed.

According to the aggrieved parents, on June 16, the school sent a message on a WhatsApp group for both students and parents, informing that students of Class 9 C-division had been promoted. However, on June 22, another message informing them of re-exams was sent.

When contacted Father Denzil Fernandes, the Principal of Victoria High School said, "The state government has not issued any GR promoting students of Class 9 to Class 10 without exams. The same has been discussed with education department, and they too mention that there is no GR to this effect."

A parent of a Class 9 student at the school, who do not wish to be named, said parents are worried about how their children will study for two different syllabi simultaneo­usly, rather than focusing on board exams. The parent’s child did not clear three subjects and received a message about re-exams.

"If the school reopens in September, and even if it conducts the re-exams immediatel­y and declares results by the second week of September, those promoted will have only seven months left for preparatio­ns for board exams. Usually board exams are held in March. This is unfair,” said the parent. The parent added that they had already purchased Class 10 books after they were informed on the group that all students have been promoted.

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