The Free Press Journal

Kanjarbhat activist claims community prevented her from dancing


A 23-year-old Kanjarbhat woman has alleged that she was prevented from participat­ing in a Dandiya event at Pimpri area near here by members of her community because she had opposed the custom of 'virginity' test practiced by this denotified tribe, police said Tuesday.

On a complaint filed by Aishwarya Bhat-Tamaichika­r (23), police have registered a case against eight members of the Kanjarbhat community under sections of the Social Boycott (Prevention, Prohibitio­n and Redressal) Act, 2016.

Aishwarya and her husband Vivek, along with some like-minded youth, have been spearheadi­ng 'Stop the V-Ritual' campaign against the virginity test a Kanjarbhat bride has to undergo on the first night of marriage.

Aishwarya said the incident occurred Monday when she was participat­ing in a dandiya event organised in Pimpri where her mother lives.

"The dandiya event was organised by some members of my community. While dandiya was being played, suddenly the music stopped and while everyone was looking clueless, my mother came to me and asked me to come home with her. However, when I resisted, she told me that the community members were not happy that I took part in the event," she claimed.

Aishwarya alleged the organisers, meanwhile, announced the event stood cancelled and only boys will dance to the music.

"I left the place. However, the moment I turned my

back, the organisers resumed dandiya, which confirmed that

they wanted to prevent me from participat­ing," she added.

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