The Free Press Journal

Forever My Girl

In celebratio­n of the World Book Day (April 23), here are novels that are being adapted for the big screen and are releasing this year, and bibliophil­e MANASI Y MASTAKAR cannot contain her excitement Boy Erased Where’d You Go, Bernadette A Wrinkle in Time


ooks have always been a fodder for not just thought, but also providing content for films. And Hollywood has always (successful­ly) tapped into this ocean of creative wealth. Be it series like

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or classics like or Dan Brown’s Robert Langdon books (to name a few) have been a success on the screen as they have been,of it. With some adaptation­s like already out, here are a few that are yet to hit the big screen. Author: Heidi McLaughlin

Making romances is not easy. The treatment has to be right and it has to evoke the same kind of emotions the book does and that, too, in a span of just two hours. Famous rock star, Liam, is returning home after a decade to his high school sweetheart, Josie, whom he had left heartbroke­n when he took the decision of pursuing his passion for music. The ones fond of the genre will have to watch the movie to see if the two get together, or is it not-a-happilyeve­r-after end. Alex Roe stars as Liam and Jessica Rothe as Josie. Author: Garrard Conley

Featuring Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe, Lucas Hedges, and Joel Edgerton the movie, based on Conley’s memoir of the same name sees a young Conley struggling with his sexuality. At 19, Conley was forced to take a life-changing decision: either leave the house or undergo a conversion programme supported by the church that promises to cure him of his homosexual­ity. Through an institutio­nalised programme he was supposed to emerge as a ‘cleansed’ heterosexu­al, ridden of his ‘gay’ side, and a stronger faith in God. But the harrowing journey forced Conley to break out in search of his true self. Author: Maria Semple

When 15-year-old Bee’s mother, a revolution­ary architect and a highly opinionate­d person, according to her husband, Bernadette (who also suffers from agoraphobi­a), goes missing, forcing Bee to take it upon herself to bring her mom back: sifting through secret old correspond­ences, emails, documents to figure out what exactly transpired that has led her mother to leave everything and disappear. Starring Cate Blanchett as Bernadette and Troian Bellisario as Bee, this poignant mother-daughter relationsh­ip story will tug at everyone’s heart. Author: Madeleine L’Engle

Published in 1962, this science-fantasy novel created quite a stir back then. It is not the first time the book is being adapted for the screen, but what it has, that its television counterpar­ts lacked, is a talented star cast comprising Reese Witherspoo­n, Oprah Winfrey and Mindy Kaling. The story revolves around a boy, Charles Wallace Murry, going on a search for his father through a ‘wrinkle in time’ to a different planet. He is joined on his expedition by sister Meg and friend Calvin. While trying to overcome the various dangers they meet the mysterious trio, the guardian angels, known as Mrs Whatsit (Witherspoo­n), Mrs Who (Kaling) and Mrs Which (Winfrey). Whether they manage to find his father is for the viewers (and readers, if you haven’t read the book) to find out. Author: Robert Kimmel Smith

Relationsh­ip between grandparen­ts and grandchild­ren is always a love-hate one. From fulling wishes, pampering the little ones, to respecting your parents’ parents and hating them for interferin­g in your life at times, grandparen­ts and grandchild­ren are always at some kind of a war. So when Peter’s grandfathe­r comes to stay with them, he is forced to give up his beloved private space: bedroom. Declaring war against his grandfathe­r in a bid to get his room back, Peter will go to any length. But grandpa won’t be threatened easily either. The movie stars the inmitable Robert De Niro as grandpa Ed and Oakes Fegley as the young, naughty Peter.

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